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Joined Jun. 11, 2013 6:30pm

sydnergy's Pregnancy

My Due Date: December 10, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 37 years old

It's A Boy!

Summit John Ryan
Born on December 17, 2014 at 1:59pm
Born at 41 weeks and 0 days

Weight: 7 lbs 6 oz
Length: 20 inches

Labour & Delivery
Delivery: Vaginal with Assistance (forceps/suction)
Pain Relief: No Pain Relief!
Duration of Labour: 6 hours
Baby's Apgar Score: 9

Summit John Ryan's Birth Story

I was scheduled to be induced on December 17th. We went in at 7am and they started cytotec. After an hour we were allowed to get up and walk around. I didn't start feeling contractions until around 11. At noon they became regular, about 5 minutes apart.
It was at that time the doctor broke my water and we discussed starting the epidural after my contractions became more regular. Around 1pm they were very close together, around 2 minutes, and very intense. I was ready for the epidural! But I waited until they came back to check me again. I had come in between a 3 and 4 and was a solid 4 at 1pm. They expected it would still take a while.
Around 1:30 the anesthesiologist came in and started prepping me for the epidural. My contractions were so close together I had a hard time staying still. It was at this point my husband started having a seizure and passed out from his blood pressure dropping. He'd never seen me in so much pain.
A bunch of people came in and brought a stretcher and took him to the hall. Right as things somewhat calmed down again and they were going to start the epi test dose I yelled "HE'S COMING NOW!" Sure enough, I'd gone from a 4 to a 10 in less than an hour!
My sons heart rate was dropping due to the cord being wrapped around his arm, so every time I pushed he was doing worse. He also had his hand on his head which made it difficult to push him out. Since I didn't have a long labor I wasn't able to stretch enough for him. They brought out the vacuum. I yelled "I CANT DO THIS!" and they told me I had to. Right then they were able to pull him out. Thankfully they wheeled my husband back in, he was okay, and he was able to watch most of the birth. They wouldn't let him off the stretcher though, so he cut the cord from there!
They laid my little guy on my chest and I just stared in disbelief for a moment because of all that had happened. He was perfect.

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