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Joined Jan. 26, 2013 7:27pm

Lozie84's Pregnancy

My Due Date: October 9, 2013
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old

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Signs of Early Labour
By Lozie84 » Posted Sep. 18, 2013 3:54am - 302 views - 1 comment

so last night i started getting an achying lower back and pressure in my front. I have been cleaning like a maniac for the last few days, washing, cooking, cleaning, the works. The hops bag is packed (finally) the dogs things are packed as are the baby's. this morning i woke with the same back ache, front cramping and pressure. my belly is hard as a rock, and i have the runs. i was saying that i dont want to go in to labor with the runs incase i poop on ppl haha. then my birth partner said it sounds like early labour. i googled about the runs and there it is.
so last week i lost the mucous plug, now i have lower back ache, period like cramping (not contractions) pressure in the perineal area, the runs, shes moving less, the stomach is rock hard. like cement! and man am i hungry! for weeks i have had zero appetite and zero motivation to eat, just feeling full all the time from bub on the stomach. but this morning as soon as i woke i wanted a big breakfast lol. i usually have a banana smoothie, but i wanted eggs on toast lol. had my smoothie anyways lol. have had a big dinner. it hasnt helped with tummy pain though. again its not contractions but randoms pains from not enough room in there. hope it doesnt start the runs again by eating. and the midwife says that this early labour phase can last days before anything progresses.
so i'll keep haning in there, using heat packs for my back and hot showers. the heat pack really does help. laying on my back not possible even for a moment, and on my side is the most comfy but still hurts the front and back so its not ideal. but if labor happens and i get to meet my girl its totally worth it and im happy to do it.

heres hoping something progresses.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from brittthomp4 » Posted Sep. 18, 2013 11:19am
YAY you are getting ready! We only have days left I hope :)

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