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Rhid78's Pregnancy

My Due Date: June 27, 2014
I am postpartum » My due date was more than 2 weeks ago

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My Journal

6 Weeks, 5 Days...
By Rhid78 » Posted Nov. 8, 2013 8:33pm - 224 views - 0 comments

I have morning sickness! Yay! Yes, I'm one of "those" pregnant women who is happy to have morning sickness - or as I have so affectionately termed, all the live long day sickness! I'm happy about this because I didn't get any with my last pregnancy and of course that ended in a miscarriage, so this time round is already different, and that makes me feel better :-)

We had our first ultrasound this week - very exciting. Mind you I have to admit that I was actually feeling quite blasé about it. I wasn't overly excited or nervous, I was just like, whatever. I have thought about why but I still haven't come up with a reason. I could possibility put it down to the fact that I saw a healthy heartbeat last time, and it still ended badly. That's probably the closest and most accurate reason I would say...

Anyway - everything looked good although the little critter measured 2 days behind what I thought. I was 6 weeks, 3 days (or 6 weeks, 6 days based on my ovulation date), but it only measured at 6 weeks, 1 day, so 4mm. I'm not stressed about it though as I know that the tiniest movement of the tech's hands can throw it off by a couple of days. We also saw the heartbeat - 119bpm. Very cool :-)

My morning sickness is not extreme. I am nauseous all the time but haven't as yet thrown up. Although I have felt like it on more than one occasion. And I seem to be relatively "fine" in the morning's, it seems to kick in early afternoon and then lasts throughout the evening. It's at the point that I can't prepare a meal, my BF has to do all of that for me and even then when he places the food in front of me I'm like HELL NO!! haha. The poor thing. I believe he understands though that it's not his cooking lol.

Its Saturday here today and I'm just pottering around doing some cleaning and generally just taking it easy but getting some things done at the same time. My mood has been ok - no real swings or anything. I do have occasional bouts of "oh my god I'm so miserable but don't know why" but thankfully those generally pass as quickly as they came on. And I do cry a lot at stupid random things. I guess I am having mood swings after all! lol.

This is just a quick update - I actually have started a blog and so I am trying to write entries in that a bit more regularly. Feel free to check it out if you're interested the link is junebug2014@blogspot.com :-)

Until next time...

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