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Joined Nov. 18, 2013 8:12pm

Cattsmeow's Pregnancy

My Due Date: November 24, 2015
I have given birth!
Age: 37 years old

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One stressful event down!
By Cattsmeow » Posted Aug. 3, 2015 10:01am - 225 views - 6 comments

For all of my worries and anxiety over my son's first birthday party, it went rather well. A lot of people canceled at the last minute, so only about 20 showed up. Whew. It was still stressful as hell, but it went well and Brandt had fun (everyone did) and that's all that matters. I only had 3 mild anxiety attacks, but I walked away and sat in my bedroom for a few minutes and that seemed to help them pass quickly. I'm still exhausted from them, because anyone who suffers from anxiety knows how draining an attack, no matter how mild, can be.But that's one stressful event down! Next up is his clubfoot check up on the 10th and my oldest's kindergarten orientation that same evening. I'm worried Brandt's feet are relapsing so I'm worried that they will want to recast him. =/ He's starting to walk on his own (he got up and walked all the way across the living room yesterday with no help from anyone) and I'm worried that if he has to get recasted, it will make him regress as far as that goes. =/ Yet again, I am probably worried for nothing, but yea. His appointment is at 10:30 in St. Louis, which is a 3-4 hour drive from where we live depending on traffic, and we have to be back here by 5:30 for my oldest's orientation at 6pm. I'm hoping it's doable. I don't think it will matter if we are a little late, but yea. We're supposed to meet up with his teacher and fill out the rest of the paperwork and stuff. I also wanted to speak to his teacher and principal about their attendance policy and make sure it won't be held against him if I go into labor before Thanksgiving Break. We don't have anyone to stay at our house with the boys, so he will miss at least 3-4 days of school while I am in the hospital. We would just ask my MIL to drop him off anf pick him up, but that would be 2 hours of drive time one way for her to do that and it's just not feasible. Not unless we could talk into staying at our house for the duration of the hospital stay. =/ Oi! I'm also hoping his teacher doesn't have a whole entire list of other supplies we have to get him. We've gotten everything on his list so far, but it states that teachers have their own specific requirements. Plus, I'm worried about his book fees, but hopefully they will take payments over the first couple of months. (And really, do they give Kindergarten kids BOOKS now? I know a lot has changed since I was in Kindergarten, but really? What books do they give the kids that would cost $100?)

As for how the pregnancy going, Valerie seems to be doing just fine. I feel her move more and more each day. Every night before bed, my husband will rub my belly down with lotion to help relieve the itchiness and Valerie will squirm the entire time. She also seems to love it when Daddy talks to her. She will be doing whatever she does, and if my husband puts his head close to my stomach and talks to her, she will start kicking up a storm. Her movements still feel odd to me because of the anterior placenta, but I'm starting to feel movements through it. They just feel softer, if that makes sense. My next appointment is on the 12th, at 25 weeks, which is also my oldests first day of school. I've arranged for a friend to be here with Brandt during my appointment, just in case I have my GTT and don't make it back before T gets off the bus. Hopefully I will, as I don't know the bus policies just yet. (I don't know if they will let someone other than me or my husband to pick him up from the bus stop.) This whole having a child in school thing is new to me, as I homeschooled for Preschool.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from pbc910 » Posted Aug. 3, 2015 2:03pm
There is one thing worse than clothes and that is food! With two teens and a preteen (not to mention two adults), our food is gone almost as soon as we buy it.

Comment from Cattsmeow » Posted Aug. 3, 2015 1:01pm
I've noticed. He's gained about 4 inches since April, and I am not a fan of it. lol. Between him and my 1 year old son, we're going to go broke buying clothes. For my 5 yo, I started buying clothes a size too big and having him wear a belt, otherwise I will have to buy him more within a month.

Comment from pbc910 » Posted Aug. 3, 2015 12:56pm
It only gets worse too as boys age. I think there is a nice period, at least for us, from grades 3-5 where there were no significant growth spurts. I think my stepson has gained 3-4 inches since last September and I know he is nowhere near finished. This year, I am buying him 2 pairs of uniform pants and 3 polos since he wears the same thing anyway and calling it a day!

Comment from Cattsmeow » Posted Aug. 3, 2015 12:49pm
That's how my son is now. He just turned 5 in April, we bought him like 3 weeks worth of clothes right beforehand (1 pair for each day, and most in a size too big), and he's already outgrow all but maybe 5 pairs of shorts, and 7 T-shirts. He's went from a size 12 in shoes to a size 2 over the summer. This growth spurt he's had has been ridiculous. =/

Comment from pbc910 » Posted Aug. 3, 2015 12:23pm
oops so glad that is

Comment from pbc910 » Posted Aug. 3, 2015 12:23pm
I'll tell you what - I will be go glad when my stepkids are out of school! Buses, fees, books, grades, homework, UGH! It's tough having 3 in 3 different schools but it won't be bad with just 1 in school. I swear every year I spend so much on supplies and they don't even end up using what I bought! And school clothes? I have one kiddo that pretty much grows out of everything as soon as we buy it so I have to prepare my "no, I'm not buying you expensive shoes" speech.

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