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calvingirl's Pregnancy

My Due Date: I suffered a pregnancy loss
Age: 48 years old

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28+4 wks - Hard decisions and Crappy doctors
By calvingirl » Posted Oct. 13, 2018 11:19pm - 527 views - 9 comments

I had an awful week. On wednesday I met with the GD specilaist/counselor on what I "thought" was going to be a consultation, but which turned out being them taking 3 vials of blood from my HAND because the first nurse couldn't find my vein and then let it slip out so nearly a whole vial of blood ended up running down my arm onto the floor - so the second nurse just opted for squeezing the 3 vials from the back of my hand (a process if you've ever had done, you'd know hurts like hell and takes forever.) The whole process took almost 45 min - adding in the time for my fainting and recovery. Then, they just stuck me in a class with three other girls that are around 35-37 wks along...so what the hell do they care about this, they're about to have their babies. Nurse spent the whole time focusing on this diet which none of these girls will follow or understand, and that is so outdated. I showed that I'd been eating just like that for weeks and still no control over my blood sugar. She just dismissed me and told me to "talk to my ob about it" then went on to these three other girls who were upset they had to give up their cupcakes.

So then my Friday appt with my OB was awful too. They hadn't warned me (again) that they were taking blood (again) not 48 hrs after the last catastrophe, and they had a fit when I said I wasn't going to get the prenatel rhogam shot while I was sick. I burst into tears when they gave me a hard time about it and they finally relented, but are making me come back next week to get both done. They just did a full CBC panel at 24 weeks? WTH didn't they do an antibody test then??

Most importantly, they wouldn't listen to me when I said I've lost over 5lbs, my bump has shrunk in half and baby's movements are different and reduced. I get faint after eating and pretty much feel like crap all the time. Her answer was, "According to OUR scale, you've only lost 2lbs, so that's ok, and you've better get your blood sugar under control or we'll have to transfer you because we don't deal with patients that need insulin." NO compassion or even a discussion about the baby. She agreed to get an ultrasound in two weeks to check on her growth - best I could get out of her.

I've had so much trouble wtih this office. I'm so done. I can't deal with them anymore. Didn't they go to fucking medical school too? A healthy baby and mom need very little expertise - she's gonna have that baby no matter what. The doctors are SUPPOSED to be there to detect any problems and then DEAL WITH THOSE PROBLEMS. This office apparently only shows up to catch the healthy babies and transfers everyone else. I might as well transfer myself full time to the Maternal Fetal Medicine doctors before they do anyway. It means I have to give up using the hospital by my house with the new maternity ward, but instead go to a shitty hospital an hour away where my son died - a building I swore I'd never walk into again. It also means I'm stuck with all the medicaid patients with an average waiting room wait of 2+hrs each appt and because they are technically high risk doctors, it's gonna be twice as expensive.

Every day goes by, I'm more emotional, I have more meltdowns, and I can't handle the stress of doctors that won't listen to me - even to humor me. Every time I have a question about anything or express any concern, they threaten to transfer me and then tell me how awful that'd be. They have me scared shitless and I'm crying every day over it. I can't do it anymore. I need help and they obviously aren't going to help me.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from ericalee2 » Posted Oct. 15, 2018 6:37pm
I am so mad and frustrated for you after reading this!!! Have you ever considered talking to administration of the clinic? Given your history and the complete disregard of what you are noticing I would definitely consider talking to the admin of the clinic. I can't imagine this is the type of care they want their patients receiving... especially given you are growing a tiny human. I work with doctors from an IT perspective and feedback from patients that go to hospital/clinic admin has the potential to do something. I hate when doctors think they can get away with terrible bedside manners because of their title.

Comment from hopingforbfp » Posted Oct. 15, 2018 3:30pm
Also, my bump was tiny. If you see my 20 week bump...people were shocked. Even my 38 week bump was just slighty bigger than 20 weeks! People put me down a lot that baby must not be growing right. I went to 2 appointments a week...so I never listened to those people because I knew baby was growing just fine! Don't let anyone put you down... you are one strong Mama! Best wishes! I hope I gave you some light and hope in your difficulties.

Comment from hopingforbfp » Posted Oct. 15, 2018 3:27pm
Sorry you're going through this.
It is difficult in the beginning for sure. I don't know if you remember, I commented on your journal when you were taking your glucose test and waiting for results...

I had early onset of GD with DS #2. If you look at my profile...under my pregnancy....you will see I lost a good amount of weight from 7 weeks till I gave birth.
I succeeded with the GD diet plan I made for myself all the way till 36 weeks.
Other than that I thought I wouldn't be able to make it cause I am a hardcore sweet eater and I devour carbs.
For my story, I hope that gives you hope that you can do it! And don't be worry about your weight so much. The GD diet makes you lost weight fast. Long as baby is growing. I suggest if you don't feel baby, go in for a profile. I went a handful of times to be on the safe side. Also, I recommend eating 6 small meals through the day. You will stay full and your sugars will regulate. It was easier for me to make meal plans, I am a nutrition

Comment from calvingirl » Posted Oct. 15, 2018 1:03pm
Thank you all. I REALLY melted down this weekend. Severely so stressed out I couldn't make myself eat. I felt like everything I was putting in my mouth was giving me bad readings and then I got weak because I wasn't eating. Hubby was very concerned. Got my mom to come over (she's mom PLUS a professional therapist, plus, she has type 2 diabetes herself so knew what I was going through to an extent). She reminded me that my numbers were just a couple points over and not eating was worse for me. Recommended eating but putting away the monitor for a day or two to break my anxiety cycle. So that's what I'm doing. I ate normal, avoided sugar but ate healthy portions for dinner and breakfast and feel a lot better today. Mental health is a huge big deal with this pregnancy for me. Baby girl is fine now, making all her kick counts and moving normal again. I think subconsciously I was starving myself and it was affecting her. I'm still firing my reg OB. I don't need the stress.

Comment from sonata85 » Posted Oct. 14, 2018 5:49pm
Have you had an NST yet? I think we started mine at 28 weeks. All of this sounds so hard, and given your history you need to be monitored closely, but baby does too. My OB said to call if ever I felt differences in movement. I also did kick counts and called/went to the ER and OB triage for not enough movement in both pregnancies. I would honestly go to the ER if anything feels off or different at least for an US and monitoring. It sucks that you have to wait 2 weeks for an ultrasound. Take care and I hope you can enjoy the final trimester

Comment from Angela18 » Posted Oct. 14, 2018 1:36pm
Biggest concern and most important right now. Hang in there girl xo

Comment from Angela18 » Posted Oct. 14, 2018 1:35pm
So sorry girl. They seem to have you by the balls and they know it so that keeps their bad bedside manners from being checked. Wish I had good advice for you. Might I just suggest that part of what you are feeling crappy and partially emotional from is that you’ve cut out sugars. Whenever we go back to those hardcore dietary restrictions after falling off the wagon (like now) we feel like shit for a while, physically and emotionally. As far as baby not moving as much, idk. I’d say if you are concerned and they are delaying it, I’d go to ER and say you haven’t felt baby for a while. Was it your actual doctor or nurses giving you the run around? If your doctor is also that much of an ass douche, I wouldn’t want to work with him/her anymore either as they aren’t addressing your concerns now over a potential problem. Pick your poison I guess. Do whatever will be best for your baby girl and try to leave emotion out when making that decision. Baby girl is

Comment from Libelula264 » Posted Oct. 14, 2018 11:38am
Oh man, this story makes me SO ANGRY for you. And I imagine it's difficult to switch doctors at this point. Regardless, I hope to hear about your new and improved doctor soon! You deserve better.

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