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Mem401's Pregnancy

My Due Date: October 7, 2018
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old

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My Journal

20 Weeks 1 Day
By Mem401 » Posted May. 21, 2018 4:03pm - 301 views - 8 comments

Halfway! And I haven't been keeping up on here like I've meant to. :/

We had a MFM appointment last Friday. It was the anatomy scan. Maggie was still upside down exactly like she was the previous 2 times. DH and I are a bit worried she is stuck, but the doctor said that she just has a comfy spot. I still worry she's stuck. Anyway, her anatomy scan went well. Due to her position they couldn't get all the measurements they needed but we see them again in 2 weeks anyway and will try again then. We got visual confirmation again that she is indeed a SHE. They did a transvaginal ultrasound too to check my cervix and my cervix measured right where it should, but there was "debris." They kept mentioning debris but said not to worry about it, but of course I am. I researched when I got home and it looks like "debris" is only a problem if you are spotting (I'm not) or if your cervix is short (mine's not). So I don't know what is up with that.

I'm also growing concerned because I haven't felt movement yet. I know she's moving because I've seen her move on ultrasound and when I occasionally use my doppler she hits/kicks at it. But I don't feel it yet. Everyone tells me that I will know when it happens. They keep describing it for me. "Gas bubbles," "flutters," "popcorn," and "butterflies" but I haven't felt it. I can't wait to, but the nurses seemed concerned Friday when I told them I hadn't felt her yet.

I'm also barely showing. I know that everybody is different but I feel like at 20 weeks I should be showing more. :/

Tomorrow is my 35th birthday. Officially "advanced maternal age." Eek. I am carrying my present. I love my girl so much and can't think of a single thing I want more than her.

Next week (Thursday and Friday) I have OB and MFM appointments. I'm glad I get to see her so much! We will be starting our 6th month next week! :) (Though I certainly don't LOOK 6 months pregnant!)

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from cmere84 » Posted May. 25, 2018 10:11am
I'm sure everything will be just fine! I just find it intriguing because this is what I thought! She stayed in a head down position, all the way in my pelvic area, in a ball, till about 28 wks. Then she went breach and I was freaking out that she wouldn't turn back around and drop again. I was 28 wks though and she was super low causing my cervix to dilate a little, but they were working me spin on hard at work. My Dr. Had me on bed rest. But she continued to change positions as she got bigger!

Comment from Mem401 » Posted May. 25, 2018 9:50am
Thank you all. :) I think I am beginning to feel her. The nurse told me to lay on my back and just lay still. That didn't work. But laying on my left side I think I have felt her a few times. It kind of felt like like "popcorn" feeling. And yesterday I was sitting up talking to my mom and I felt that again. I'm still worried that she is stuck. I'm praying so hard that she has moved by next Friday when I see her again. She is super low, like right at my pelvic bone still. (Which is probably one reason I'm not showing much.) I know she has more room than that because my mom is a nurse and she felt the top of my uterus just below my belly button. I've considered trying anything to stand on my head so gravity forces her up lol! ;)

Comment from adiggs » Posted May. 23, 2018 8:51am
Every "body" is different. So while one person may start showing immediately, another may not start showing until well into their second trimester. With my first full term pregnancy, I didn't really begin to show a whole lot until around 24 weeks. And I am sort of surprised that a nurse would be surprised about not feeling movement yet, especially with this being your first pregnancy. With my first, I didn't feel any movements until about 26 weeks. This pregnancy, I am 21 weeks, if I hadn't been pregnant before, I wouldn't know that what I am feeling right now is the baby. It's easier said than done to just relax, I know that first hand, but I think you're doing fine! :)

Comment from Celenes_Mommy » Posted May. 22, 2018 9:32am
SO happy to see an update and that you and Maggie are doing well. Everyone's body is different, some women show early, some show late, some show hardly at all ever. As long as she is measuring well and you are both healthy, I wouldn't worry too much.

Comment from Starmama14 » Posted May. 22, 2018 9:02am
Aww...I was just thinking about you and about how you're halfway through! I didn't start showing with my first until about 24+ weeks...and then it seemed like my belly expanded fast! And I also didn't feel movement with my first until about 22 weeks. Hang in there! Sounds like everything is going great with little Miss Maggie :)

Comment from Mem401 » Posted May. 21, 2018 6:46pm
Thank you. Yeah, her head is nestled bestween my right hip bone and public bone!

Comment from cmere84 » Posted May. 21, 2018 6:39pm
Oh, and my baby stayed in the same spot the whole time. I never could get a good picture... I payed $150 bucks and didn't even get her face. She stayed in a ball down by my JJ the whole time!

Comment from cmere84 » Posted May. 21, 2018 6:35pm
Don't worry about the movement. I felt what I thought could be movement at about 20 wks, but didn't start feeling it regularly until after 22 wks. When they are doing the US, watch for when she moves and match it to what you feel. Do the same with the Doppler. If you hear her move, concentrate if you feel anything at that moment. It's hard when it's your first. In reality she isn't very big yet, so don't worry about not showing. Really, it's the skinny minnie's that can see noticeable belly super early. I know it's hard not to worry, but they are staying on top of things it sounds like! I never did get super big? But then again I had a tiny baby..... Just soak it all in, it goes by so fast.

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