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Joined Aug. 22, 2015 2:45pm

kenpobaby's Pregnancy

My Due Date: March 14, 2017
I have given birth!
Age: 49 years old

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NT scan and disapointment..
By kenpobaby » Posted Sep. 10, 2016 12:40pm - 583 views - 3 comments

Had the NT scan on thurs. Usually I look forward to these scans, as they are alot more detailed and the techs in the office I go to really make a big deal out of it. They take their time and even do some 3D pictures too. But this time, I got a tech who didn't give two shits about my scan. She was extremely impersonal, and abrupt and rushed through it in about 5 minutes. No 3D pictures, video, or even any pictures that were as good as I've gotten in the past. I left feeling really disappointed. I haven't been able to shake it since then either. I was already having alot of anxiety about this pregnancy due to the unplanned nature of it, and this makes it worse. I'm also having issues with the staff in my new doctors office not communicating with me effectively about test results and appt dates as well, so basically, I just feel like I'm on my own with this one. If it wasn't for me being on their ass all the time, they would forget I was even a patient.
My husband is currently taking college classes to get his teaching degree finally, (on top of working full time and running our business full time) so due to scheduling conflicts, he isn't able to go to my appts with me or be there nearly as much as he was with all our other babies. So that too, is adding to my feelings of being left on my own with this one. This is our last, and I wanted it to be special, but so far, it just feels like it doesn't matter to anyone but me...

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from josamarie » Posted Sep. 12, 2016 11:59pm
I hope things get better, you're definitely not alone. My OB left the clinic 2 days after I found out I was pregnant, and it honestly took me until my third tri to really get to know my new doctor and get into a groove with her office, and since it was just me and a cranky toddler at all of my appointments instead of me and my husband like it was with our first, I felt lonely, too. It did get better though, once we got down to the biweekly appointments I felt like something clicked with my OB and all of the sudden we jived, 7 months out now and I really miss seeing her! Hopefully he same happens for you!

Comment from kenpobaby » Posted Sep. 10, 2016 7:14pm
Thank you for that. It's nice to know I'm not the only one feeling down instead of all smiles during pregnancy. My husband is extremely supportive, but we have a crazy schedule that we didn't have the last 2 times and it's preventing him from really being as involved as we both want him to be. I couldn't see my old doctor for this one (who I loved) because he changed offices and I hate having to start over with a new one during my 4th pregnancy. I'm just bummed out about everything.

Comment from Angela18 » Posted Sep. 10, 2016 7:05pm
Same thing happened to us at our doctor's office (new doctor, new state). I feel like it's a drive-thru doctors office experience on op of having to wait like an hour to be seen, I don't even know how they saw all they needed to at the scan. I hear ya there. And I'm sorry you feel like this for your last baby....I went through that with my second while hubby was going to school, and I felt very alone while pregnant and once she came out due to his schedule, very alone and frustrated as she was such a hard baby and I dealt with her and my two year old with Downs...it was nuts. I hope it gets better for you soon, it's no fun feeling that way, but when you know it's your last, I can understand how that must feel for you xoxo.

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