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Joined Sep. 6, 2016 2:16am

Lozzabean's Pregnancy

My Due Date: October 20, 2020
I am postpartum » My due date was more than 2 weeks ago
Age: 31 years old

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My Journal

9 weeks 2 days
By Lozzabean » Posted Mar. 19, 2020 7:09pm - 336 views - 0 comments

This is the first journal entry I have made in this pregnancy! So far it feels like its really dragging, mostly because for some reason the baby measured earlier than what my dates did so when I thought I was 8 weeks i was actually 6 weeks and 3 days! So yeah I felt like I've gone backwards. Luckily everything looked good though. I have my 12 week scan on the 9th April so I will probably update next then.

As for symptoms, I definitely had some nausea a few weeks ago but that's not really there anymore, on an occasion maybe but not much, that was the same I think for the last two pregnancies anyway - I never seem to get much sickness luckily! Tiredness though! It's been dreadful, the worst I've ever had it, probably because I've got to other little ones to run around for but yeah it's pretty bad. I seem to be sporting a tummy as well at the moment, I think its mainly bloating but even still when it's there I definitely look pregnant!

So the big thing going on at the moment is this Covid-19 thing, I'm hoping when I come back to read this some time after the baby has been born it would have all blown over because it is CRAZY. School's have just been closed so from Monday I will be teaching Alex from home, people are being told to self isolate, there's barely anything in the shops (bog roll weirdly being one of those things). Eastender's has stopped filming as well so I have no idea how I'll cope! Pregnant women are being asked to stay home for 12 weeks obviously except for appointments etc. So who knows how this will all be throughout this pregnancy and birth. Home birth being considered, mainly because it sounds more relaxing and I birth quickly but also because you're only allowed your partner as your birth partner in hospital which is not good!

So yeah I'll update again once I've had the next scan! Hopefully we're not in total lock down mode by then!

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