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Joined Apr. 11, 2012 9:42pm

Kfinzue's Pregnancy

My Due Date: November 30, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 31 years old

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My Journal

Found a new home
By Kfinzue » Posted Sep. 6, 2012 2:35pm - 478 views - 0 comments

Adam and I were informed by Dawn our landlord we had until the end of the month to find a new place. Now, two days later we've already found a place! It's a two bedroom (yay! Baby gets it's own space!) and is pet friendly so we can keep Hadley our one year old lab. Mom's cousin Dennis is the landlord, which means as long as I pass the background check (which I will) we get the place! Rent is $100 a month more, but includes all of the utilities, so technically we're saving money. It's not the nicest looking place in the world, but it's rarely been rented, and in good condition. if all goes as planned Adam can car-pool with his lead man so we will save on gas. Now we just gotta start packing and keep our fingers crossed that this all works out! I'm so happy we won't have any room mates. Plus I'm glad baby gets its own room and space. It was not very ideal having everything we owned in a single room, and even harder adding baby stuff. I still expect to keep the bassinet and potentially co sleep with baby, but it's just so nice it gets it's own space and we get ours. (:

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