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Joined Apr. 11, 2012 9:42pm

Kfinzue's Pregnancy

My Due Date: November 30, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 31 years old

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My Journal

Ranting again
By Kfinzue » Posted Oct. 31, 2012 11:11am - 334 views - 0 comments

Ive found writing on here is a good way to get things off my chest and easy my mind a little, I've had all these thoughts jumbled up in my head and thought hey I can write it out... It's kinda crappy I only write negitive stuff on here but I seem to put all my positive feelings on Facebook, so it equals out I guess (:

I keep having doubts about myself lately and it's eating me up. We have a month to find a new home and we can't find anything we can afford. So far I've avoided finishing the nursery cuz I don't want to get it all done just to pack up that much more crap when we move. But it's so close to my due date, baby could come any time it wants! What if I have it in a week?! We don't have the nursery ready?! I just feel like a bad mom cuz I can't control so many things right now. What luck is it we have to move by my due date? That's just plain wrong and not fair ): I've pretty much completely put off doing all the things we should do before baby gets here cuz we have to move. The car seat isn't in the car cuz if we have to move we need the room to pack. Ect..
Also! Adam got informed the other day that they are hiring a new guy and he's probably going to get canned! Seriously? They know he has a baby on the way. They know he has a family to support. What are we going to do if we're both unemployed. We won't even have a roof over our heads then. We won't be able to take care of our baby. Our whole relationship we've never once had a problem with money or a home or jobs, and now when we need it all the most....
His can I be a good mom with so many things working against me? I feel like god is looking down at us and laughing. I feel like a joke.

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