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Joined Nov. 10, 2017 8:45pm

Alioth's Pregnancy

My Due Date: July 22, 2018
I have given birth!
Age: 41 years old
Location: Virginia, United States

Welcome to the world!

It's A Boy!

Bruce Alexander
Born on July 7, 2018 at 4:07am
Born at 37 weeks and 6 days

Weight: 7 lbs 4 oz
Length: 20 inches

Labour & Delivery
Delivery: Vaginal - Water Birth
Pain Relief: Water Therapy
Duration of Labour: 8 hours

Bruce Alexander's Birth Story

I recorded this under birth events "Went Into Labor" if anyone's interested. It was sort of dramatic. Haha.

Thrilled baby boy is healthy and thriving. We are still getting to know each other. Big thank you to my husband, Josh. Who stuck with me through labor and kept me going strong.

So, apparently the prodromal labor on Friday was the start of real labor. Water broke at 7 pm. I wasn't too sure though that was it. My mother over the phone felt we better get to the birth center. Light cramps started up. We went out for Mexican food with some friends as cramps quickly became much, much worse. I noticed spotting. I texted the midwife, who asked us to come in to get checked for dilation and to see if my water really had broken.

I was pretty much in denial. By the time we got home, contractions were 15 minutes apart and my back was killing me. My husband and I packed the car, stopped at the grocery store for snacks, and drove up. Contractions became very intense on our way in. By the time we got there, I was in agony. The midwife informed me I was 4 cm dilated and 80% effaced. She timed contractions as five minutes apart or less and lasting 3 minutes or more each, and cheerily informed me that this was back labor.

I didn't actually believe it and kept apologizing for being there. I was pretty confused by the pain. I started vomiting and bawling at that point. I vomited for the next 5 hours. They got me through IV fluid and antibiotics, found I was at 7 cm (only an hour and a half after I got there.) Then got me into the pool which was wonderful for a while. But baby wasn't in the best position coming down into the pelvis and got a bit stuck at a wonky angle. I ended up pushing for 3 hours and was begging to die and screaming my head off. They don't do pain meds there, and I really regretted that.

Baby boy came out thrashing and kicked me in the crotch on his way out. Lol. He was 7 lbs, 4 oz, 20 inches long at 37 weeks +6 at 4:07 am. I had a 2n

Profile Comments for Alioth (2)

Comment from adiggs » Posted Jul. 8, 2018 2:41pm

Comment from calvingirl » Posted Jun. 12, 2018 2:55pm
Congratulations! I'm in Virginia too. I used Seven Cities Midwifery for my last birth, but ended up getting transferred to a hospital. But I had a successful home birth with my first son - no issues. Look into your options just in case, so you have a back up plan, and just don't worry about the money or it'll stress you out. Good luck and have a safe, healthy birth!

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