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*Roselyn*'s Pregnancy

My Due Date: July 27, 2018
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old

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Not Sure I'm Ready for a C-section
By *Roselyn* » Posted May. 11, 2018 7:48pm - 511 views - 9 comments

Anyone else had a natural birth with their 1st but now will have a c-section? How do you prepare? I'm not happy about it, but trying to process the inevitable. Yes, I know the baby's safe arrival is what most important, but I have other concerns.

1st: 41 weeks, natural, no epidural, baby had 0 issues.
2nd: I will be 37 weeks, planned c-section, and who knows what happens. I have never had a surgery in my life.
Pregnancies are so unpredictable. My natural birth plan just flew out the window. ????

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from babylove14 » Posted May. 13, 2018 11:17pm
My 3rd baby wasn't a c section but he was born at 36wks. I was induced due to pre eclampsia He was 5lbs 0oz and was healthy. He went home with me after two days.

Comment from ShellyG » Posted May. 12, 2018 9:40pm
My stepson's fiance had to do c section in March. Due Mia having issues with the labor. Turned out good. Both mom n baby are well. She was able to hold her shortly after. Not be as tired as a long labor.i had two vaginally. One I held off n pain med wore off before delivery Smh. As soon as I held him the memory of the pain was gone. Second one was almost a emergency c section he came out 5 CM dilated 2 lb 14 oz. Month n half in NICU. Brought him home at 3 lb 14 oz. He has rolls in 2 months. I was not impressed by that NICU. He is 21 now. As long as you and they are safe not matter if c section or vag

Comment from sonata85 » Posted May. 12, 2018 5:12pm
So anyway, my daughter was born at 36 weeks and under 4 pounds--less than 5th percentile. But in my reading I learned that there is a HUGE difference between 36 and 37-weekers, who are otherwise on a normal track. The breathe-suck-swallow reflex has kicked in around 37 weeks. Basically, my daughter spent 3 weeks in the NICU learning how to eat. But unless you know your baby is super tiny, can't eat or breathe properly, your baby can come home with you at 37 weeks. With a planned c-section you can see your baby ASAP (and definitely put it in writing that you'd like immediate contact with baby. I didn't get to breastfeed my daughter until over 12 hours post-c section, but I was so exhausted from induction I almost gave up.) I wish for every mom to have their dream birth experience, but planned c from what my friends say isn't horrible. I wish you could have the experience you want. 3 months after surgery (also my 1st surgery ever) I realized I had the daughter I wanted, and that was it.

Comment from sonata85 » Posted May. 12, 2018 5:00pm
I also have no experience of a vaginal delivery prior to my 36-week c-section, but my situation is so similar babylove and cmere who've posted. I had an induction due to preeclampsia. I had 12 hours of unmedicated labor (except for the pitocin), then my daughter's heart rate kept dropping and coming back up. My dr and I "called it" together, and I got an epidural and went to the OR. I didn't want a c-section, and I grieved the loss of what I wanted my birth experience to be. My 34-week growth scan revealed a 4 pound 2 ounce baby, so I went off of IUGR watch. Then I got preeclampsia like my mother had with me---it was so sudden. One day my rings fit and feet fit into their usual size 6, the next day, I was so swollen that I couldn't wear ANY of my shoes, so in addition to going to DSW for some larger shoes, we went to OB Triage to confirm my through-the-roof blood pressure. 36 weeks I was induced, and it didn't work mainly because my daughter was even tinier than we thought

Comment from cmere84 » Posted May. 12, 2018 2:19pm
My baby was full term at 39 wks. Had nothing to do with the c-section. Her placenta actually started deteriorating. They said her placenta was like that of a 42 week baby. She was tiny, which is the only reason she had to stay in the nicu for a week. She had trouble keeping her blood sugar up. At 37 weeks, your baby should be just fine! Also, mine was an emergency so that made it a little more scared. My Dr. Had me labor all night frim 8 pm till 5 pm the next day and finally did a c-section. In my opinion, they knew the night before she wasn't handling labor and they should have done it wayyyyy ealier. By the time I hadn't slept in over 24 hours, I couldn't even keep my eyes open to hold my baby, I was wiped out. So a scheduled c-section will probably much less stressful and hard on you!

Comment from *Roselyn* » Posted May. 12, 2018 11:54am
Thank you, ladies! It helps a lot. Were your babies OK ? I mean, what weeks were they born and why did they go to NICU?

Comment from cmere84 » Posted May. 11, 2018 9:36pm
I had a c- section. It was my first baby, so nothing to compare too, but It really wasn't terrible
It hurts, but I'm sure pushing a baby out your JJ does as well. I felt OK after about a week. I was up 15 hours later and walked to the nicu to see my precious girl. You just have to push yourself to get up as quick as you can. The sooner you do the better you'll be...

Comment from babylove14 » Posted May. 11, 2018 8:21pm
I hope i didn't make you feel worse about it. I just wanted to give you honest experiences so you have a true idea beforehand. I had a natural, a c section and an epidural vaginal so I understand why you wanted a natural. I don't want you to think those differences i listed are all bad and that your birthing experience will be terrible. Your baby will still be with you the whole time. You'll still be able to breastfeed and stuff if you choose to.

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