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Joined Apr. 25, 2014 3:39am

Sianny's Pregnancy

My Due Date: January 2, 2015
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old
Location: United Kingdom

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Don't know what to think
By Sianny » Posted Dec. 10, 2014 2:41am - 471 views - 3 comments

It's been 6 days of braxtons and it's really starting to kick my ass.
Some are killer agony where are the rest are so tight I'm surprised they don't break bones.
Hospital didn't seem to be concerned as everything checked out okay, I'm hydrated and UTI free so they said it's all part of the 'warm up'.
I don't think this is the start, I don't know why but I just don't feel like this is the start of labour.
Yesterday I ate like a pig I was so hungry but today I really don't want to eat yet, I've made toast but I've no desire to eat it.
Been up since 3 with powerful braxtons at 5-3 minutes but made hubby head to work as there is no pain.
Little lady has been crazy active since Saturday and even when I was being monitored she was going for an aerobic gold but her heart rate was fine so so is she. Midwife says she may be a baby who is active right up to pushing despite me telling her I normally have a lazy baby and that she's never moved this much.
And now (tmi) i've been pooping since I got up... nothing to indicate a bug just frequently.

Something is up, singeing is wrong or happening, i don't know what and I refuse to think it's labour as I'm so early in my mind and I always assumed it would be rather obvious.
With my son it was 'ooo painful contraction,' 3 minutes later 'oooo look another one' and so on.
These are just braxtons, lots and lots of them...right? I mean is been 6 days!

I'm not ready.
Really I'm not.
I just want to know what's happening to me.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Sianny » Posted Dec. 10, 2014 9:02am
It's calmed down a lot now so I'm getting some housework done and watching Judge Judy.
After a back to back labour with Hunter I have no clue what to think until something obvious happens.
Her head is so low just inside my left leg keeps catching a nerve an boy do my bits ache lol.
I'm still getting the odd tightening but I hardly notice them, personally I think in in for a long and steady warm up.
Give it two weeks and I'll be begging for her to come out I bet lol

Comment from Quartz3 » Posted Dec. 10, 2014 8:05am
I'm definitely no expert, but I was told by the nurse who taught the prenatal classes that actual labour can be painless. She said she nearly got to L&D too late during one of her pregnanciesâ?¦ had she gotten there a bit later, they would have been unable to stop labour (of course in your case that is not a problem so no worries there). Also, your body tends to "empty" itself before labour, so pooping frequently could be a signâ?¦.
I do hope your little one can stay put for a little while moreâ?¦ but do keep us posted!

Comment from snolie14 » Posted Dec. 10, 2014 7:38am
Oh, I have been in the same boat! Yesterday, I felt like a truck hit me. Mine were only 25 mins apart, but it was literally from 4a until I went to bed last night. I took 2 Tylenol and drank a bunch of water and Ii felt better. I didn't want to eat AT ALL when I got home yesterday, but after the meds, I was starving. Hunter was super active yesterday too, but today not so much. I feel like I need to poke and prod him to get him to move today...I'm timing my contractions again today...some had me in tears yesterday...plus the lower back pain when they come, holy moly...they HURT!

I hope you get some relief, maybe the stress of them is causing MORE of them?! Try to think of something else, or do some crafts or something to try to take your mind off of them. Keep hydrated and relax! Oh, on your TMI, I've been extremely constipated lately, but yesterday I was able to "go" for like 1st time in 6 days! It was a total relief LMAO - maybe we are both gettin' close?! Goo

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