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Joined Oct. 19, 2013 2:01pm

dakara's Pregnancy

My Due Date: June 30, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 33 years old

My Milestones & Events

On March 9, 2014 at 23 weeks 6 days pregnant
Viability Mark!
24 weeks marks the point where if I go into preterm labor, there is a 50% chance of the baby's survival, increasing every week until 40 where it levels off. Yay viability!

On March 1, 2014 at 22 weeks 5 days pregnant
Husband/Partner Felt Baby Move for the First Time
:D It was brief, but yeah.

On February 22, 2014 at 21 weeks 5 days pregnant
Picked a Name
We tentatively chose a name this weekend. We'll see if it fits after she's born.

On February 17, 2014 at 21 weeks 0 days pregnant
Found Out Baby's Gender
It's a girl, yay!

On February 17, 2014 at 21 weeks 0 days pregnant
Announced Baby's Gender to Family
My mom was there and I'll call everybody else later. And I'm announcing on facebook, so that's something...

On February 17, 2014 at 21 weeks 0 days pregnant
Announced Pregnancy to Family
I told most of my family a while back, but I'm announcing on facebook today, so now basically everyone will now.

On February 8, 2014 at 19 weeks 5 days pregnant
Felt My Baby Move for the First Time
I think the baby got hiccups, because there was a rhythmic movement against the left side of my belly for a couple minutes. I'd felt things before, but this was the first undeniable movement.

On January 27, 2014 at 18 weeks 0 days pregnant
Started Wearing Maternity Clothes
Bought a pair of maternity pants for work. That counts, right?

On January 10, 2014 at 15 weeks 4 days pregnant
Told my mother about the pregnancy
It went well, I didn't expect it to go as well as it did, but yeah. I dunno.

On December 12, 2013 at 11 weeks 3 days pregnant
First ultrasound
Well, the desk staff were really rude, but the actual ultrasound was great. The baby moved, it was cute. They're basically scooting around is what it looks like, and at one point, they moved from facing the right to facing the left. Oh, and they waved their hand, sucked their thumb, and did a somersault. It was all pretty cute. I've been stupidly worrying that the baby was secretly dead or something, so this is pretty good evidence that they aren't. It was also kind of weird for me because other than being sick, I don't /feel/ pregnant, so it's weird seeing this little thing scooting around on the screen and knowing that it's inside me and it's my baby and this is really actually happening.

On December 11, 2013 at 11 weeks 2 days pregnant
Told My Boss About My Pregnancy
The office was going to go on holiday in a couple weeks, so I told my boss and coworkers in case I came back "really fat" after the holiday. I figured it would be a lot easier to explain in advance rather than after, and it worked out well. The office is all women right now, and one woman just had a baby last fall and this month the ceo's daughter in law gave birth, so everyone was very supportive and understanding.

On December 9, 2013 at 11 weeks 0 days pregnant
Heard Baby's Heartbeat for the First Time
It was kind of hard to find at first, We found the beginnings of a heartbeat twice, but baby always swam away. Finally, I guess baby got tired or realized we weren't going to stop, and they stayed still long enough for us to get a good listen to the heartbeat. It was 156, and sounded like a slow helicopter, like a "wop, wop, wop" sound. I read that people say it sounds like hoofbeats, but it didn't sound like that at all to me. It really sounded like a slow helicoptor, "wop, wop, wop" which sounds really silly, but that's what it was.

On November 27, 2013 at 9 weeks 2 days pregnant
Started taking bump photos
I had meant to be doing this the whole time, but other stuff kept coming up, so I didn't. Whatever, I'm doing it now.

On October 31, 2013 at 5 weeks 3 days pregnant
First Prenatal Appointment
First midwife appointment today. We almost missed each other because she thought it was a home visit and I thought it was an office visit - it was an office visit. :) I took a test to confirm the pregnancy, she answered some questions, and we made an appointment for the first Monday in December.

On October 19, 2013 at 3 weeks 3 days pregnant
First Positive Pregnancy Test
10 DPO, and I took a test yesterday, but I was really sure it was just an evap, so I felt I was probably out this month. But Laine wanted to see how the test worked so I took one today with fmu, and we saw... something, faint. I knew she was hopeful when she asked if I wanted to take another, because she's really stingy with the tests. :p The second showed a stronger positive, I guess because its more sensitive. I really thought it would be too early, and I was prepared for a negative, but it wasnt. I'll test throughout the week because I'm nervous like that! I'll probably call the midwife Monday. So excited!

On October 19, 2013 at 3 weeks 3 days pregnant
Told Husband/Partner
She was there while the test "processed". When it was positive I was grinning like crazy and she said "what are you smiling about, this test is negative," but she was smiling too, so I knew she was just messing with me.

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