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Joined Jul. 18, 2011 5:49pm

airiesing's Pregnancy

My Due Date: December 10, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 54 years old

My Site Activity
Last Logged In: Jan. 13, 2014 11:09pm
Apr. 24, 2013 3:01pm » Replied to the topic "Fine As Vintage Wine Moms (Over 35) - Pt. 5" in the discussion forum.
Forum Posts: 252
Questions & Answers:
Anonymous are not counted
Asked: 16
Answered: 130
Tags:  4th Pregnancy    High Risk Pregnancy    Planning to Cloth Diaper    Plus Size and Pregnant    Pregnant after Miscarriage    Pregnant in my 40s    Pregnant with a Boy    Using a Birth Doula    Using a Mid-Wife   

Profile Comments for airiesing (12)

Comment from MountainMama » Posted Feb. 25, 2013 12:59am
Love the pix of the kiddos! You're also looking good, mama.

Comment from joye2e » Posted Jan. 19, 2013 1:09am
Congrats hun he is perfect! xx

Comment from Torontochick » Posted Jan. 4, 2013 8:21am
He is so precious... and thanks for sharing your birth story!

Comment from dmartin65 » Posted Dec. 26, 2012 4:36pm
Wooohooo congratulations!!!!

Comment from MountainMama » Posted Dec. 20, 2012 10:40pm
I am so happy for you. He's a cutie :-)

Comment from BGGirl » Posted Dec. 20, 2012 11:23am
Congrats!! He is a beautiful baby!!!!

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