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Joined Sep. 9, 2011 10:41am

Samm0704's Pregnancy

My Due Date: May 20, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 38 years old
Location: Port Hueneme, United States

My Site Activity
Last Logged In: Jul. 27, 2015 3:50pm
Aug. 4, 2012 12:11am » Posted a comment on CrwHnw0909's Public Profile.
Forum Posts: 4
Questions & Answers:
Anonymous are not counted
Asked: 3
Answered: 110
Tags:  3rd Pregnancy    Multiple Miscarriages    Planned C-Section    Planning to Breastfeed    Pregnant in my 20s    Pregnant with a Girl    Stay at Home Mom   

About Me

I am Samantha and I have a 5yr old son who will be 6 in May and a 4yr old daughter. I also have the most amazing boyfriend ever <3 We have been together for a while now and he's in the Navy and is going to deploy right after I have our daugther. This will be his first baby <3 I had two miscarriages before my son was born and then wasn't able to get pregnant for 3 1/2 years after my daughter was born. They told me I had multiple cysts on both ovaries/ possible fibroids and my tubes were straight and it would be very hard for me to get pregnant. Well the first month we tried to get pregnant, it worked!! I am very blessed.. If you would like to know anything just ask =)

My Birth Plan

I had a c-section with my son due to not dilating and then him going into fetal distress after 10 hrs of my water being broken. Had another c-section with my daughter and wasn't given the option to due a VBAC which I was upset, but thank god I didn't do a vbac (medical reason). My son and daughter are 18 months apart. Now having a 4 1/2 yr gap between my pregnancy I want to do a VBAC. We moved to Cali in Nov and I want to try a Vbac, but was denied. So hopefully I go into labor on my own and can try to attempt a regular birth. If not I will have our baby girl May 16th 2012!!

Profile Comments for Samm0704 (61)

Comment from CrwHnw0909 » Posted May. 24, 2012 10:22pm
Hey girlie! How are you doing? Did you have your little girl yet? I hope all is well with you. AFM, I'm pretty good starting to get anxious to meet by llil boy and girl. They'll be here before you know it.

Comment from seneka » Posted May. 18, 2012 2:58pm
Thanks for wishing me luck! he is here and everything went very well.

Comment from angelanna » Posted May. 15, 2012 3:40pm
not yet ;/ i hope he comes soon though and i know we were due around same tme and me before you and you had yours first haha, i have 4 days left till me EDD. and what is your fb name? u can message me the page link if you want it will be faster :)

Comment from angelanna » Posted May. 11, 2012 1:17pm
yeah so they said between 5-8 pounds of baby??!! kinda was not even worth it to have a ultrasound especially at almost 39 weeks LOL, but good news is he is not posterior anymore or on my right side, he is now on left side and head down, i have doing exercises last 3 days to accomplish this so it worked, i am doing the body ball (yoga ball) and doing huge fast circles every day and pelvic rocking hoping something happens soon.. i am excited to meet him!!!! xx and it'd be nice if he came tomorrow. on a 80 degree day!! they have a/c in the hospital hehe.... how is your lil one doing??

Comment from angelanna » Posted May. 10, 2012 4:16pm
no baby yet ;/
i hve ,y u/s tomorrow to check his weight at 7 am, i have been told to do bouncing ball exercises and have been doing a whole bunch of them and squats and on all 4's lol.....but nothing except cramping a couple hours then .... nothing again grrr

Comment from tickingbean » Posted May. 10, 2012 5:13am
Lulu came home yesterday. She was grunting right after birth as well, though she had good Apgar scores. I didn't know what it meant until they whisked her away. She was 6 pounds and 20 inches. So, though we both went early, we both would have had big girls! I had to have an emergency cesar because her heartrate dropped. Did you get your vbac?

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