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Joined Sep. 6, 2012 9:31pm

Zombee's Pregnancy

My Due Date: February 2, 2013
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old

He's here!!! My perfect boy!

It's A Boy!

Rayden Cory B.
Born on January 29, 2013 at 2:03pm
Born at 39 weeks and 3 days

Weight: 7 lbs 13 oz
Length: 20.5 inches

Labour & Delivery
Delivery: Vaginal
Pain Relief: Epidural - Full
Duration of Labour: 5 hours

Rayden Cory B.'s Birth Story

At 39 weeks 3 days I was scheduled to be induced at 5am on Tue 1/29/13. My husband and I arrived at the hospital and I was so nervous!! I filled out all the paperwork, changed, and got my IV started with Pitocin around 7am. I was not feeling any contractions and by 9am my OB broke my water. 10am rolls around and I was really feeling the contractions, not to the point where I was screaming at people but it was intense! The doctor checked me and I was already dilated to 7cm (I started out at 3-4cm going into the hospital). The pain wasn't excruciating but I knew if this was going to go on like this for a couple more hours I couldn't do it. That's when I made the choice to get an epidural. I was so happy I made that choice because I did not feel a thing AT ALL from that point on. I was basically chilling in bed eating ice chips having contractions until 1pm came around and I was at 10cm and was told to start pushing. Pushing was "hard" like tiring but it did not hurt at all. I can remember not being able to feel where exactly to push so I just kinda did as best I could and the nurse said I was doing great. After an hour of pushing, my son was born at 2:03 pm and I did not even feel him come out!! TFG for epidurals.

Profile Comments for Zombee (11)

Comment from mrykayser » Posted Mar. 12, 2013 8:34am
What a small world we live in lol.

Comment from mrykayser » Posted Mar. 11, 2013 5:05pm
OMG how strange we know each other on instagram but we didn't know we were friends on here lol well hey

Comment from n-larock » Posted Feb. 8, 2013 2:48pm
Oh he's just the perfect image of a healthy happy baby boy!!! :) Congrats mama!!! He is soooo handsome!!! :D

Comment from pregnantnovelist » Posted Oct. 31, 2012 1:04pm
Aww thanks! I'm a writer so it's an excuse to be writing, blogging, without actually being productive work wise hahaha. Glad you are safe! My doctor just does 3D scans whenever they do an ultrasound. That's why I've had so many. It's like "Hey, while we are in here...". My GD test is Nov 9th and I'm not looking forward to it. My work still hasn't fixed my schedule so I don't have time to go to prenatal yoga or really focus on exercise. =( I'll add you to my instagram!

Comment from pregnantnovelist » Posted Oct. 30, 2012 12:05pm
Hope you are safe and sound. Not sure where you are located (I'm in Maine though we are safe and sound... a little wet), but I hope you and your family didn't get hit too hard from the storm. Baby is kicking more, and our second anatomy scan went great! Got to see Nathaniel's heart and all sorts of other little bits of him! Even got a video of the little bugger! You can see it at: http://pregnantnovelist.blogspot.com

Comment from pregnantnovelist » Posted Oct. 2, 2012 12:22pm
Haha. That's crap (the I can tell by your stomach) but it is eerie that everyone is having a boy this year! But that's ok! I'm a huge gamer, tv buff, writer, reader, geek in general so I think a little boy is perfect for me! Now if only I could think of a name....

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