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Joined Oct. 23, 2011 11:43am

autumn7's Pregnancy

My Due Date: June 18, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 39 years old

My Journal

1 week later
Posted May. 23, 2012 7:59am - 337 views - 1 comment
My Baby boy is home with me :) Best feeling in the world. Last week was tough with him being in NICU, and seeing him connected to all the monitors and cpap and so on. But he is a little fighter and he... [Read more]
1 week later
Posted May. 23, 2012 7:56am - 345 views - 0 comments
My Baby boy is home with me :) Best feeling in the world. Last week was tough with him being in NICU, and seeing him connected to all the monitors and cpap and so on. But he is a little fighter and he... [Read more]
33weeks and my baby is coming today!
Posted May. 14, 2012 12:29am - 388 views - 1 comment
i knew my chances of a prem was big, but the reality is still scary. i had cramps last night and thought i would phone my dr if it was still there this morning. my water broke at 3am and my ceasar is ... [Read more]
32 weeks and living one day at a time
Posted May. 7, 2012 4:18am - 371 views - 0 comments
Finally reached 32 weeks, an living one day at a time. So it turns out that it wasnt just BH I was experiencing, but preterm labor. Luckily they could stop it, but the journey is getting scary and ti... [Read more]
7 weeks to go!
Posted Apr. 30, 2012 2:50am - 353 views - 0 comments
7 weeks before my scheduled ceasar date! His room is finished, our bags are packed...no for the wait. This weekend I've had loads and loads of BH!! Some very uncomforatble. Also feeling pressure on m... [Read more]
Yeah for 30 weeks!!
Posted Apr. 23, 2012 2:22am - 375 views - 0 comments
Milestone nr 2 reached. I am 30 weeks. I am getting more positive that my little guy will stay put untill 38 weeks. I did have some bleeding for a few days last week, but nothing severe enough to be... [Read more]
65 days left!
Posted Apr. 14, 2012 1:09am - 334 views - 0 comments
Had a drs visit on Wednesday. The plasenta is still low lying so my ceasar is scheduled for 18 June! Got my steroid shots to mature his lungs as the dr is still scared that he might show up early. At ... [Read more]
People are so insensitive!
Posted Apr. 4, 2012 4:22am - 393 views - 4 comments
I wonder why people feel that when you are pregnant, its their chance to 1. Touch your belly and 2. tell you how huge you are! and 3. Ask you how much weight you have gained. I am so tired of people ... [Read more]