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Joined Jul. 1, 2011 12:02pm

NewMommy07's Pregnancy

My Due Date: March 7, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 39 years old
Location: Riverton, United States

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My Journal

28 Weeks
By NewMommy07 » Posted Dec. 18, 2011 3:19pm - 358 views - 2 comments

I'm 28 weeks and 4 days today. Baby is doing good and beating me up round the clock, even making my belly change shapes and jump all over which is really fun to watch.

Beyond the baby doing perfectly, this pregnancy is about to drive me insane. I started having pain in my mouth about 4 days ago which is really strange for me because I've never even had a cavity or anything. So I kind of ignored it for a couple days thinking it was just one of those pregnancy things with my gums being sore or something. Come Friday afternoon it was so bad I couldn't stand it though. My gums around a wisdom tooth had swollen up so bad they were starting to fold over the tooth next to the area and I couldn't close my mouth all the way or i bit down on gums. Went to the dentist and found out I have an impacted wisdom tooth along with a nasty infection. After finding out I needed a release from my OB for them to do anything about it, I figured I was screwed for the weekend since it was late friday afternoon. After some phone tag and probably extremely fast driving on my DH's part (I stayed home), we got a letter from my OB to the dentist so I could have an antibiotic. Well, the pain was excruciating at this point so I could only just sit and cry and the ambesol they told me to use would numb my entire mouth but not the place where it hurt.

Finally out of desperation my DH called the OB tele-nurse trying to find anything we could do to give me relief because I'm allergic to every painkiller that my OB allows. She ended up sending us to the ER which resulted in a shot of morphine to basically let me sleep so the antibiotic could work overnight. The next morning I woke up and felt about a million times better. I could close my mouth and move my jaw normally, the swelling was almost totally gone! Then I went to get up out of bed and about fell flat on my face. Sat there for a minute wondering what was going on and noticed I couldn't hear out of my right ear.

Well I had to pee pretty bad, so I managed to hang on to every piece of furniture and wall to get to the bathroom and go. Once I was sitting I noticed my ear was ringing and felt really full and the room was completely spinning. So I woke my DH up and told him what was going on and kind of figured maybe the infection moved to my ears from my jaw? Off to prompt care we went. Turns out I have fluid in the tubes of my ears and they can't treat it how they normally would because of the pregnancy, so I was given anti-vertigo meds and some home remedies for relief.

Today my husband has to work 3pm-10pm and I am panicking because I can't cook for myself while he's gone. I can barely make it to the bathroom without falling over from the vertigo, let alone cook or heat up food. My mother drives me insane so there's no way I'm having her over here going through our things and driving me up the wall for 7 hours straight. Had hubby load me up with bottles of water and granola bars and my grandfather will run to get some take out for dinner apparently. I'm so tired of being stuck in bed for one reason or another and feeling like a burden and feeling so awful all the time. I wish I had a friend to talk to or a normal mother who could help me out when things like this happen and DH can't be around. This next 2 1/2 months can't go by fast enough so I can have my baby here in my arms and this pregnancy can be over with. I love being pregnant and feeling Nugget move inside me, but I really hate all these restrictions and issues I've had since getting pregnant! I'm just so completely frustrated and depressed I don't know what to do.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from NewMommy07 » Posted Dec. 21, 2011 6:22pm
Thanks Yas! They don't want me lifting over 12lbs right now, so I couldn't imagine being restricted to 4lbs!! Hope you feel better soon too!

Comment from yasminesa » Posted Dec. 21, 2011 6:51am
Aw hun sounds like your having a rugh time, I hope you start to feel better soon. I know what you mean about being restricted, I can't lift anything over 2kg (4lbs) and on bedrest, no fun!! But don't worry baby will be here soon enough.

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