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Joined Sep. 26, 2014 7:59pm

itsbeans's Pregnancy

My Due Date: July 3, 2015
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old

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My Journal

First Appointment with the OB
By itsbeans » Posted Dec. 12, 2014 10:53am - 227 views - 1 comment

Today was my first appointment with an actual doctor! Hooray!

Except there were some not so fantastic things. I had to go to a different office than I usually go to, because the office I usually go to was unusually booked. So I got slightly lost/turned around. No big deal, I'm always at my appointments on the early side. I walk up the stairs to the office and check in with the receptionist, you know the standard name, doctor I'm seeing, insurance card photo ID. I sit down and wait. And wait. And wait. The appointment is for 8:30. It's probably 9:20 before they call me in. Apparently the receptionist failed at checking me in. You had one job lady!

This was a "get naked" kind of appointment, joy of joys. Standard STD testing and all that jazz, but I did get to see Baby Bean again, this time on the ancient trans-abdominal scanner in the room. It was grainy and I have quite a bit of fat for the ancient machine to work through but there was definitely a baby in there still with flickering heartbeat.

I love my doctor. She's always happy to see me and very supportive. I'm sad that I have to meet the other doctors in the practice, I'm sure they are all fantastic but I like MY doctor.

After the appointment I had to do an hour glucose screening test, because I'm super fat, so I went to the lab, drank that nasty orange tang like drink and sat around for an hour playing with my phone. I didn't get out of the building until after 11. Nothing like a half a day spent at the Doctor's!

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from RedBetty » Posted Dec. 12, 2014 11:16am
Aww, but the good thing is you got to see your lil bean again.

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