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Joined Apr. 11, 2014 8:12pm

stickybean1976's Pregnancy

My Due Date: April 17, 2015
I have given birth!
Age: 47 years old
Location: Gold Coast, Australia

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My Journal

Bumpdate (first one)
By stickybean1976 » Posted Jan. 11, 2015 4:44pm - 538 views - 2 comments

How far along - 25 Weeks today, baby measuring ahead in size, specialist won't change EDD as he know when we conceived. Was monitored at Ovulation.

Total Weight Gain - zero. I lost 23kgs (50pounds) with my first preg. Hoping it happends again. Just eating healthy and less. This is what pregnancy does to me.

Size of baby - approx 14 inches weight approx 1.6 pounds

Maternity clothes - OMG yes
Bump - Very big bump for 25 weeks

Sleep - Not great up about 3x a night peeing and getting big and un comfy

Baby's Movement - a real pattern establishing. Very active

Food Cravings - none really just much smaller portions

Gender - another girl
Name picked - McKenna Isabella Burden

Moods - very bad moods, taking a lot out on hubby. I'm grumpy a lot. A lot !!! Tired etc ....

Sex - yes not scared anymore after my 4 m/c's. Back to a healthy twice weekly. Been married 10yrs so that's not bad I think.

Best moment this week - lying in bed in the mornings feeling the baby move, our quiet time x

Worst moments this week - the amount of times having to pee. It's really getting me down and so annoying.

Sickness - none since week 13

Labour signs - none no discomforts no braxton hicks no cramps twingers nothing.

Looking forward to - seeing my girl again in 3&4 d at 30w growth scan & getting to see her tomorrow on specialists u/s machine tomorrow for monthly check up.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from stickybean1976 » Posted Jan. 12, 2015 1:02pm
Yes Autum; all is well: may be another 9 pounder OB thinks as Ella was. He said you're never gonna have small babies and I'm 5ft8 and Matt is 6ft6. Lol Ella our 7 yr old girl is the height of a 9&1/2 year old she's always been way of the scales. I'd like a nice little 7 pound bundal but don't think that's lilky. Seeing OB today looking forward to some measurements and seeing her.
Thanks for the post xx

Comment from Papas~Mama » Posted Jan. 12, 2015 12:17pm
Sounds like everything is going well, that's wonderful:) So you've got a big baby in there, huh? Awesome that they're growing well and healthy. Glad all is well! (except your mood, but that's totally normal;)

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