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ohbabyIV's Pregnancy

My Due Date: February 7, 2015
I have given birth!
Age: 44 years old
Location: Aurora, United States

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My Journal - Page 2

By ohbabyIV » Posted Jan. 25, 2015 11:19pm - 531 views - 10 comments

Today at about 2:30 I started noticing contractions. I didn't want to get my hopes up so I kinda let it ride. Besides, I had to be the score keeper at my sons hockey game today. Of course the contractions got intense from the excitement of the game and I looked at the clock several times and thought ,"just one more period....just 8 more minutes, oh my goodness, don't jump when they score!" After the game, (they won 6-2) ð??? the contractions started hurting bad. We went home where I paced the house, sat down, debated calling the doc, paced some more... And my Hubs cooked dinner. At first I wasn't going to eat and then I decided maybe I should. We decided to go for a walk because after yesterday I was not about to sit in L&D only to be told to go home. We walked, timed contractions and went up and down hills. At one point we even pretended to "run" to try to make my water break. We walked about an hour and then my legs hurt bad in my pelvis so we decided to go home. When we got there, things started feeling wet so I decided to call. They told me to come in and I questioned whether or not I actually should but I was pretty sure I had made at least some progress. We got to the hospital about 8 and to my surprise when they checked me I was only 5 cm. I was disappointed until she said I was 100% effaced and my water was bulging. She told me it was not likely I'd be leaving. Wooooooooo!!!! Then she said my cervix was "paper thin" amazing news!! She left to call the doc and next thing I knew they were starting an IV. Guess that means I'm staying!
It's now 10:20 and I'm still 5 but she said the baby's head is much lower and I am having more frequent contractions. I have decided rest is best so I'm not going to walk for now. Plus I am extremely swollen.
More updates to come.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from stickybean1976 » Posted Jan. 26, 2015 12:09am
How exciting keep us up-dated good luck x

Comment from Ladysg » Posted Jan. 26, 2015 12:03am
Fingers and toes crossed for you! Good luck!

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