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Joined Dec. 18, 2011 10:13am

babbosbabymama's Pregnancy

My Due Date: August 23, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old

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My Journal

My Guilty Obsession
By babbosbabymama » Posted Dec. 27, 2011 9:47pm - 345 views - 2 comments

I have come to terms with the fact that I am obsessing over my pregnancy a little too much. I eat, sleep and breathe my pregnancy. I think its a good thing that I am so concerned but at the same time it HAS to be unhealthy to obsess like this. I am constantly finding something that could be wrong with my baby and it needs to stop. How do I stop worrying about something I am so passionate about? How do I stop worrying about the wellbeing of my unborn child? It cant be healthy. I sit and stir... scower the internet about every symptom I have or dont have and why I do or dont have it. I swear I am causing myself more anxiety than good. Other than all that, I am doing well I think. My moods have been kinda wacked out but I think its just a lot going on with the holidays and everything.

I just learned that I will be loosing my patient and my job in a few months ( mr. e has been put on hospice) this could be a good thing bc now i can focus on staying well myself and i wont have to worry about lifting him and quitting my job and everything but its really sad. I will have been with him for 5 years on january 1st. I will just have to focus on my business and my pregnancy. Try to keep my stress level down and focus on myself.

I do believe that I need to start eating better. All I feel like eating is junk ALL DAY and then for what seems like about a 30 minute time period every day when I crave fresh fruit and veggies (ususally directly after I eat all the junk) when I get home from work lol I want to make sure I call my insurance company tomorrow to see what exactly they cover and all that good stuff. I also read somewhere during one of my days obsessing that most insurance companys cover ONE visit with a nutritionist after your first prenatal. I think it would be a good idea for me to go to one since I am 170 pounds and i dont want to gain much weight (specially after i dropped 40 pounds last year from dieting i dont want all my effort to go to waste bc i see myself craving all the wrong foods) My doctor can only tell me so much so i think a visit to the nutritionist will be a good thing. The doctor can tell me how much weight i am allowed to gain and the nutritionist can help me stick to my goal. I am already FEELING bigger but im sure its just bloating bc i have been retaining crazy amounts of water as well as eating a lot of salty and spicy foods over the weekend (and every day bc i love spicy food).

I have been noticing that at times in the day, more when i get a little upset, i seem to be able to feel my blood pumping through my veins more and that scares me bc i dont want to have high blood pressure but i think that may be a symptom in some women for the pregnancy. I am concerned bc i know it isnt good. I will have to remember to ask the doctor abput that as well when i go to see him on friday,

I cant wait for my US. I hope we see a heartbeat. The doctor sounded confident that we will at least the sack and the yolk. he said maybe even the fetus but he didnt mention the heartbeat. I dont think i will be able to rest as far as my obsession until i see that flicker. I know i will still have my worries and concerns but i think seeing that will settle a lot in my mind as i have never seen it before in any of my pregancys as it was too late by the time i had my MC.

Keeping my fingers crossed XXX praying for some REALLY exciting news on friday. I feel I deserve it and I feel that God has finally blessed me with the baby we have been waiting so patiently for <3

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Stellar222 » Posted Dec. 28, 2011 9:19am
Scared is normal, questioning every twinge is normal. But you have to remember...you can only control certain things that go on. You cannot control what goes on inside your body You can only control what you eat, drink, lift, do, breathe, that you get good prenatal care and take vitamins etc...you have to have faith...it's normal to be scared but you cannot control something about the baby that has already been decided by God. Luck and prayers.

Comment from MadisonN » Posted Dec. 28, 2011 12:43am
I have been feeling the exact same anxiety and nerves about my baby. I don't get many symptoms anymore, since a few days ago they've subsided almost completely and I just cannot stop worrying. Either I worry about having too many symptoms and too many pains, or I worry about having none at all. It's so scary, but we have to keep our heads up and our minds out of the negative clouds. Being relaxed and having faith in God will help us through this, and soon we will have awesome baby bumps and will be able to feel our little bundles of joy kicking away :) Then soon after that WE WILL HAVE OUR BABIES.

I'm going for my first prenatal appointment on the 4th of January, and I'll be 6 weeks then, I'm so hoping to see a heartbeat too! Although, I doubt my doctor will do an ultrasound until 8 weeks... Another two whole weeks for me to wait! I hope sincerely that you see your little's one inside there, and see a heartbeat!

All my love and best wishes x

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