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Joined Dec. 18, 2011 10:13am

babbosbabymama's Pregnancy

My Due Date: August 23, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old

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My Journal

6 Week Ultrasound 12/30
By babbosbabymama » Posted Dec. 31, 2011 7:55am - 338 views - 4 comments

So today DH and I went for our second sonogram... We were THRILLED to see that at 6 weeks and one day we saw a beautiful gestational sack, yolk sack and a baby!!! The doctor even pointed out the faintest little heart beat but it wasnt detectable enough for us to count BPM's :( but we are just as happy! We couldnt stop looking at the pic the doctor gave us once we got home. (I know it doesnt look like much but DH and I were so excited)!! Sadly, we both had to go to work and didnt have much time to bask in our joy but we will have plenty of time in the next two weeks until our next visit with Dr. Hunt.

I am also proud to report that DH has been paying attention to a woman who is our parents age at work. She has 3 daughters and one of them is having a baby and she has been telling them at work about how she has been feeling and her moodiness and.... well... DH has been listening to their conversations and is understanding that it isnt just ME who is acting like dr jeckyl and mr hyde, its my hormones and I AM in actual pain when I say I am and i feel the doctor covered that today as well so I feel really REALLY good. we made excellent progress today. Im glad that when we decide to make our announcement, he will have someone other than me and our mothers that he can maybe talk to to understand this pregnancy thing. I know hearing it from outside sources seems to work better with him. He was saying just last week how i wasnt this bad the last 2 times we were pregnant but i made the point that i miscarried those times too and my hormones werent where they were supposed to be. I think he gets it now. :)

Our doctor looked VERY pleased. I have never seen him smile like he was happy for us before. usually its a courteous smile but today he had a cheek to cheek grin along with DH and I which leads me to believe thst this is IT. This will be our baby!!! FINALLY!! I can already tell this is going to be a fast 9 months so we had better start to get our affairs in order soon. I think I will wait till after next check just to be on the safe side. I dont want to start to prepare too soon bc i hear thats bad luck and so far as luck in pregnancy, i dont have the best track record. I read today that the MOST risk is btwn weeks 6-10 but the REAL worry is in weeks 5-7 and that once u hit week 8 the risk is deminished by a lot and by week 12-13 the risk is small like 3%. I hope this holds true. I pray every day for my baby and i have faith.

I am a little confused bc the DR said im 5 and a half weeks and gave me a due date of september 1st now (which from my last period is 41 weeks!!!) but my ultrasound picture says im 6 weeks 2 days on it so I think the doctor miscalculated.... afterall, hes GOT to be at leadt 75 years old... he was my mother's doctor when she was pregnant with me and my sister lol It would be cool if he could delivef my babby but he only works part time now and doesnt do deliverys :( but there are several other doctors in his practice office, one who delivered my boss's daughter's kids so i think i will use him for all the major stuff. AHHH we are so excited!! eventhough it has been real since my symptoms started for me, its WAY more real now that we have the pic of our baby in hand... WE SAW A LITTLE BARELY THERE HEARTBEAT which is something we have never seen bc with the others, we miscarried before we got to see it :( DH was excited to see it. he was amazed. I wish I could have video taped in the sonogram room bc his face lit up like the time square xmas tree and he was grinning from ear to ear. I love him soo much XOXO He can be a real friggin jerk at times but most of the time hes the most caring and loving and compassionate man i know. He's the best! He wants to come to EVERY dr appointment and i know he will be there with me and for me every step of the way <3 (he just needs a swift kick in the ass from time to time lol)

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from babbosbabymama » Posted Jan. 2, 2012 4:39pm
Thanks Momaof2soon3!! Im glad u enjoyed my entry! It just goes to show if u have read my past ones that you can be discourraged at times and its normal but there is always hope!! That is something that I needed to learn for myself. It feels great but I dont go back for another US until the 12th where he said he will check the baby again and be able to tell a lot more. Its gonna be a long week and a half but it will go by fast. Until then I have to just try to keep myself occupied. I have been looking for things to get the baby to keep myself in an upbeat mood instead of dwelling on what COULD go wrong. Its been working so far!! Im just adding to my shower list so when the day comes to tell my mom, I can get ready for my shower and I wont have to come up with a list last minute. I can be sure everyting i want is REALLY what I want/need for my baby :)

Comment from Mamaof2soon3 » Posted Jan. 1, 2012 3:13pm
This was so much fun to read girlie! Good for you guys! I'm very happy for your family. I went at the beginning of the week for a hcg count and ultrasound. It all looks great. No heartbeat..but I get to go back on the 4th and the dr. is sure by then we should see a beat. I can't wait to share the confidence you have. (hugs) God Bless

Comment from babbosbabymama » Posted Dec. 31, 2011 9:28am
Thanks!! I have been trying to stay positave but its been so hard... Things are really starting to look up though. I have gotten nothing but good news from the doctors all this week and seeing the baby healthy for once was a real additude changer!! Im not going to lie, im still nervousbc the heartbeat was very faint (but its still early i guess) but I have definately grown a more positave outlook throughout the week and it feels phenominal!!! :D (smiling from ear to ear)

Comment from shivsister » Posted Dec. 31, 2011 8:20am
YAY!!!! Congrats and glad you are feeling better about everything

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