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Joined Apr. 11, 2014 8:12pm

stickybean1976's Pregnancy

My Due Date: April 17, 2015
I have given birth!
Age: 47 years old
Location: Gold Coast, Australia

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My Journal - Page 2

My birth story
By stickybean1976 » Posted Apr. 20, 2015 7:20pm - 978 views - 14 comments

So here we have it another traumatic birth story for me to tell.
I went into the hospital at 6am to be induced on Fri 17th April. Upon examination I was around 3cm with a thin favourable cervix. They decided to give the gel as the babies head was still very high. So I had the gel and we waited in a lovely room for the 6hrs for the gel to do its thing, I was having mild contractions for around 2 hours at this stage. During this time I had 3 Iv's put into my arms to preempt any complications for my previous massive PPH history (bleeding out).
At 3pm I was taken back to the birthing suite where they broke my waters with difficulty as I am a vomiter and a chocker when people push up around my cervix. I was chocking it was awful. They broke my waters and within 10mins I was having the worst contractions ever 1-2mins apart. It felt like forever them getting the Epidural to me and they stuffed around getting it in mean while I was dying vomiting and trying to get through the contractions. The Epi finally took effect then the babies heart rate dropped to 60. There were people flying around everywhere. They did some tests on the baby she was stuck and in distress so rushed to theatre she was born within 5mins of all that commotion at 18.34pm. I was fully dialated by the time they took me to theatre but couldn't deliver her safely due to the position of her stuck head. I was very ill vomited in theatre 6x,shivering like I was naked in the mountains and yes another pretty big PPH blood loss. I couldn't see the baby I was barely coherent. The baby was perfect 10 score immediately. I on the other hand was in recovery for 3hrs while they had me in heater blankets and worked on my recovery and health. Finally very late got to our room and settled. Me still wasted and drained. The next morning when they tried to move me and get up after my emergency csection was horrific. Pain so bad like a thousand bees had stung me. Don't know why anyone would choose to have a csection. Now I am home I am doing well. Moving about well and minimal bleeding. My McKenna what can I say. She is a gift from God and is perfect, never cries feeds 4-5hr and so happy and like a georgeous doll. Feeling so happy now.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from pbc910 » Posted Apr. 21, 2015 9:26am
Congrats! Sorry you both had to go through all that but she sure is a cutie!

Comment from hughes1864 » Posted Apr. 21, 2015 8:53am
I am sorry to hear you had such a hard time! I am glad you are recovering and the baby is healthy. :-)

Comment from cosmoholic » Posted Apr. 21, 2015 7:19am
Sorry you had a second horrific birth experience... but your new addition is doing great and that's fantastic! Congratulations!

Comment from stickybean1976 » Posted Apr. 21, 2015 6:16am
No I don't suggest either option lol. No but seriously I wouldn't ever opp for a csection by choice. Massive recovery, pain and inconvenient. Just my experience and opinion :-) but Ive had 2 totally different experiences now neither a positive story so I'm probably the last person people would want a birth story from. I'm just glad it's all over now. I'm 39 and I have my girls :-)

Comment from stillfuntryin » Posted Apr. 21, 2015 1:25am
Wowsers!! Sounds hectic, so you don't suggest a c section

Comment from mogchi » Posted Apr. 20, 2015 9:41pm
I am so glad you and baby are ok, that's what matters in the end! She is beautiful!

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