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babbosbabymama's Pregnancy

My Due Date: August 23, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old

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My Journal

January 6th 2012
By babbosbabymama » Posted Jan. 6, 2012 7:30pm - 306 views - 0 comments

So, today I am extremely tired. I woke up feeling like I had the flu, achy back and head, stuffy nose etc but by 3pm it all went away. I was worried bc my mother has the KILLER cold right now and she was off a lot around the holidays and has been hanging around the house so im still praying that I dont catch it. I usually have a really good immune system but just my luck would be to get the worst cold ever and not be able to take anything. I usually get a cold in the winter and one in the spring and i have yet to get my winter cold so im keeping my fingers crossed that this year it just forgets to come lol.

I am also VERY anxious about my doctor appointment on thursday. I cant wait to see the baby. The dr said he is going to do another sonogram :) I am a little worried bc DH might not be able to come. It is my "first prenatal" eventhough I have been there already 3 times and the doctor knows all my history but he still has to do the rutine stuff. I want DH to come and he wants to come but the appointment is at 3 and he has to be at work at 5 and currently we are sharing one car bc his is still in the shop. It will be either cutting it really close or he wont make it to work in time. He wants to come to all the appointments and he gets just as excited as i do and i love watching his eyes light up like they did last time. But then again, I dont really care if he misses it or not because the doctor is just going to go on and on about all the extensive medical history and exams and blood work ( i mean i would love for him to come and see the heartbeat and everything but its not necissary for him to sit through all the medical crap if the doctor only needs one or 2 bits of info from him that i can answer lol) But there is no way that I am taking the bus that day or asking mom to pick me up bc she will know whats up and i dont want her to. So, if DH has to be to work by 5 then he is just going to have to find a way that day i guess. I am at a loss and i really dont know what to do. Im sure it will all work out though. It always does. Maybe DH can switch a day with someone he works with so he can make it if he really wants to come.

Another thing is I have been craving chinese food soooooo badly for the past few days and no matter how much i eat, i cant get enough!!! its terrible! so i stuff my face with the chinese food while im making dh his dinner (hes not home until dinner is done for about an hour bc he works late) and then when he comes home for dinner, I am stuffed!! I usually eat a little just to make him happy lol I know its so bad but i cant help it. And its not a specific chinese food... its really any kind of chinese food like one day its an eggroll and the next its wonton soup and the next its general tsao's chicken lol its so crazy. in fact, thats where im headed as soon as i get out of work. Today its wonton soup while i make meatloaf for dinner hehe ;)

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