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Joined Dec. 18, 2011 10:13am

babbosbabymama's Pregnancy

My Due Date: August 23, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old

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I think I may be dying...
By babbosbabymama » Posted Jan. 8, 2012 11:16am - 305 views - 1 comment

I am in so much pain. I have the worlds worst headache today and I have to be here at work. I feel this aching in my neck, my forehead and in the back/top of my head. It is so bad that I have to fight to keep my eyes open. I caved in and took one single extra strength tylenol and i think it may be helping but not much. I also cant eat anything because I feel horribly nauseous and am turning my nose up at EVERYTHING I try to eat. Even bread is causing an issue for me today!!

I am taking care of my patient today and I am finding it really hard to give him proper care because I feel so shitty. I mean, he is taken care of but I am not as upbeat as I usually am and I am slacking a little as far as cooking for him today. He doesnt know though. He sleeps all the time but I still feel guilty.

I got no sleep last night and when I woke to go to work this morning at 815am I found it REALLY difficult to get out of bed. I only have 4 hours and 15 minutes left to be here and then I can go home and kick my feet up and/or take a nap... Crawl into bed with DH and just cuddle up and go to sleep in his arms would be ideal but he wont be home tonight from work until about 1230am :( I luckily have a HUGE pot of chicken soup I made from scratch for my mother who has a terrible cold so I wont have to make any dinner. I think my body is trying to keep from getting sick. Probaby why I feel like such shit. Thank God i dont have to work until 4pm tomorrow so i will have a FULL 24 hours off. I do need to stop looking at the clock today because its making everyhting worse lol its so hard when ur sick at work though.

I HOPE this is one of the FEW days I feel this bad. Hangover without having drank for weeks is just flat out not cool lol
...days like today I hate to say it but it makes me wonder why on earth I wanted to be pregnant and have a baby bc its pure misery... I know my little bundle of joy will be well worth it in the long run but today I think this was a stupid idea ...and i envy men!! lol making a baby is PURE pleasure for them.. why cant it be the same for us? We truly got the worst of the deal lol

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from babbosbabymama » Posted Jan. 8, 2012 11:22am
I also want to add that the BP Gulf of Mexico Oil Clean up commercial made me cry rotfl... somethings really wrong with me!!!!!!!!

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