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babbosbabymama's Pregnancy

My Due Date: August 23, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old

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Our 8 Week Check-up
By babbosbabymama » Posted Jan. 13, 2012 4:54pm - 303 views - 0 comments

Yesterday we went for our 8 week check up. Dh and I were very excited to go because we had been anticipating this appointment so we could get a better look at the baby's heart beat. We were very thrilled to see the baby look more like a snow man than a little dot next to a yolk sack but the doctor we had this time was definately a jerk and it kinda ruined the experience. He is new to the group of doctors that i go to and I dont know if DH was making him nervous or what the deal was but he was super quick with the ultrasound. He showed us the sack and the baby and said he saw a little heartbeat and when we told him we couldnt see what he was seeing, he just checked my ovaries real quick and wipped the wand out!! He didnt even try to get a better picture for us or zoom in so we could see better. Also, he seemed like he was rushing because I had a few questions for him and he was literally walking out the door while he was answering the ONE I got out! I will definately not be going back to him again next time they try to stick me in an appointment with him I think I will opt to wait the extra week instead of seeing him.

Also, I was really upset bc he didnt measure the heart rate or anything and me being a high risk for miscarriage one would thik he would have been a little more thurough with me. I am not typicallly one to complain and I am understanding to the point where if he was in fact busy that day I get it but he also could have been a little less obvious that he wanted to rush us out of the office. My DH thinks its bc we are an interracial couple and some people just are prejudice and would rather not deal with having to see a black man holding his WHITE pregnant wife's hand and being happy to see their unborn baby on the screen. But being a doctor I would like to think he is a little more educated and less opinionated. I definately dont want him delivering our baby. I will hold the little sucker in my uterus until there is another doctor available. I mean, It wasnt THAT bad but it was fustrating bc we waited 2 weeks to see our little guy and make sure he is okay and we really didnt get much for reassurance other than "looks good".

My question that I asked the doctor had to do with my lifting my patient who can't walk or stand and it is very serious to me. He told me that its fine to lift him but it might get uncomfortable in a few months. What kind of answer is that?!?! I'm sorry but I find it a little strange that I am allowed to lift a full grown man while im pregnant but it might be "uncomfortable"?!?! that just doesnt seem right to me. And he told me to make an appointment for 3 weeks... I know if I have a miscarriage they cant do anything but the other doctors like to see me every 2 weeks... not 3... I think I will call on monday to check my test results to make sure all is okay and ask to speak to either the doctor I will see next time or the doctor I saw last time just to talk to them and tell them I have a few questions and I couldnt ask them at my appointment bc my doctor was rushing out the door.

We are happy to see that the baby grew to the size he is supposed to be and that the doctor didnt see anything that was alarming. So it wasnt a total loss but it just could have been a little more of a plesant visit. I really wish my regular doctor wasnt retiring bc I really want him to do all of our appointments but I guess I will just have to keep bouncing from doctor to doctor in that office until I find one who is almost as good as him. One thing is for sure, DH was so mad that the dr rushed us this time, im sure that will never happen again lol... Anyway, the baby is good and we are waiting for my blood trests and things but im sure im fine too. We cant wait till our next appointment :) Hopefully we will have a better experience. Im sure DH will make sure it isnt anything like this past time

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