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Joined Jul. 21, 2015 8:18pm

BabiZehm's Pregnancy

My Due Date: March 30, 2016
I have given birth!
Age: 33 years old

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My Journal

7 weeks 1 day pregnant August 14th
By BabiZehm » Posted Aug. 14, 2015 12:08pm - 245 views - 2 comments

Still don't have many symptoms, (guess I should count myself lucky cause I know some women have it horrible) I do get slight nausea morning, midday and feel pukey late at night but so far no throwing up....yet. I have my first apt coming up and I'm super excited. My neighbor across the street happens to work at Madagin Army Medical Center OBGYN clinic so she's been helpful with the information I need. Have my registration forms filled out for 2 weeks now. My only issue this pregnancy is not being able to see my little baby till Sept (love Army Doctors.) I will be 10 weeks exactly. My In Laws are particularly bothersome. After trying for a year and finally pregnant they are very involved in my pregnancy. A little too much. My Step mother in law (husbands step mother) been asking non stop for a ultrasound picture 9cause she wants the final proof that there is a baby in my belly) like 12 pregnancy test wasn't proof enough. I've told her that since I know how far along I am the military wont do a scan till Sept. (which she was not happy about. I'm actually fine with waiting cause then the baby will be formed enough to see not just a little sac.
The other day I had a dream I had a miscarriage. I was so frightened when I woke up cause I had a very rough cramp. (again no blood) I just don't want to go to the ER and wait for hours unless I have bleeding but wonder if it would ease my mind. I know its probably from all the stretching m uterus is doing right now.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from 12gs34 » Posted Aug. 16, 2015 7:36am
When I had my first ( a couple of years ago), my first scan wasn't done until 13 weeks. At 12 weeks, we heard the heartbeat. Scans seem to be done earlier lately if there's been problems in your past. So, it's normal to not have a scan right away. I'm currently 5weeks after several miscarriages the past few years, and my dr. won't see me until 6 weeks (not military). I was able to get blood work done in the meantime to check #'s. There was still no mention of a scan with me.

Comment from Amanda_McDaniel » Posted Aug. 14, 2015 5:10pm
I'm 11 weeks and I still cramp on an almost daily basis. They feel like period cramps but Sprout is still doing fine. P.S. We're military too but our base has no medical so I get to see civilian doctors while still loving that Tricare. It rocks.

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