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Joined Jul. 21, 2015 8:18pm

BabiZehm's Pregnancy

My Due Date: March 30, 2016
I have given birth!
Age: 33 years old

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My Journal

August 20th 8 weeks 1 day
By BabiZehm » Posted Aug. 20, 2015 11:08am - 203 views - 2 comments

Had my registration done yesterday MAMC (not much fun). The nurse was rude when she asked if I was going to breastfeed, (apparently that's a routine question which I think shouldn't be asked because it opens the door to other peoples options), she basically told me breast was best and gave me a rude look.....its not like I haven't done my research I now breastmilk is better for baby I just mostly don't want to (of course my in laws were busting my chops that its better for the baby (that I am aware of) I want to bottle feed so my husband and I can bond together. I had a nephew who was bottle fed and a nephew breastfed. I felt like I was able to bond with him much more with the oldest being bottle fed. So in the end we might just pump and bottle feed. seem like a lot of work to me.
Then the other sister in law was saying my ultrasound was two babies and was showing internet ones to my husband....hunny the another baby wouldn't be a round ball, that's the yolk sac and no its not hiding the tech was very though looking around. IM defiantly having one and would appreciate if you would stop saying its hiding and your friend didn't find out till she was 7 months pregnant...m in laws get on my nerve sometimes.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from pbc910 » Posted Aug. 21, 2015 9:11am
There is too much pressure and judgment on new moms, let alone about breastfeeding. No one should be made to think one way is less beneficial than the other. Every women and family is different. Screw what others say and do what works for you!

Comment from pbc910 » Posted Aug. 21, 2015 9:09am
There is too much pressure and judgment on new moms, let alone about breastfeeding. No one should be made to think one way is less beneficial than the other. Every women and family is different. Screw what others say and do what works for you!

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