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Joined Jul. 21, 2015 8:18pm

BabiZehm's Pregnancy

My Due Date: March 30, 2016
I have given birth!
Age: 33 years old

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My Journal

August 31st 9 weeks 5 days
By BabiZehm » Posted Aug. 31, 2015 1:14pm - 193 views - 3 comments

got me a pocket fetal Doppler and I officially found my baby's heartbeat last night. It was beating at 185! I know doctors hate when we use them, (not planning to tell mine) but the sound soothes me and its pretty amazing to hear. I'm also having my first midwife appointment on Sept 3rd. I then am going to a ultrasound clinic to get my first peak at my baby on the 4th, since most doctors like to have you wait till 18 weeks. Wish I could upload the video of the heart beat but my phone wont let me do it. I'm so excited for this baby to come. I'm only 2 weeks from the safe zone so even though I know chances of miscarriage drop ever week doesn't make me less nervous

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from tashagraham » Posted Aug. 31, 2015 11:41pm
I loved mine too. Found HB at 10 weeks 5 days. It was very low in my pelvis. Right under the bone so it was hard to find at first. Took about 10 mins too. It was 180 and beautiful. <3 I sold my doppler at about 16 weeks when i started feeling baby move every day. I miss hearing her HB when i want but I get ultrasounds every 3-4 weeks and I feel her move throughout the day. Shes a very busy baby. Congrats and hearing the HB and I hope you have a great next 30 weeks.

Comment from mcorinnes » Posted Aug. 31, 2015 3:38pm
I LOVED having the doppler!!! No matter what the doctors would have said, I would not have given it up :) I am excited for you!!!! The heartbeat is a BEAUTIFUL sound!!!

Comment from MalPal85 » Posted Aug. 31, 2015 3:03pm
I love my doppler. Love might be an understatement, haha. I told one of the techs once that I have one but I will not tell my doctor either because the tech said she doesn't recommend them because it just causes stress. I can't believe you found it at 9 weeks! You must be skinny! I hated mine until about 15ish weeks. Now, at almost 24 weeks I find it almost immediately and it's so loud that it sounds like it's going to come right out of the speaker. Just something for you to look forward to!

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