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Joined Jul. 21, 2015 8:18pm

BabiZehm's Pregnancy

My Due Date: March 30, 2016
I have given birth!
Age: 33 years old

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My Journal

September 3rd 10 weeks 1 day
By BabiZehm » Posted Sep. 3, 2015 10:23pm - 219 views - 0 comments

Had my first midwife appointment today. She was super nice and friendly. She couldn't find baby's heartrate on the Doppler (I know she didn't go low enough since I have my own at home) but on the plus side I got to see baby on a ultrasound so she can manually count, so that was nice. My husband was amazed on how fast the heart was beating and how big our baby got since our ER visit at 7 weeks. We laughed at that our baby is only going to get bigger. HR at 135.
We also did one of those gender tests for fun the other day. I am strongly feeling it a boy since we BD the day of ovulation (which my midwife was amazed I had been keeping track so my due date is still March 30th) The test came out BOY! But we will find out for sure come 18-22 weeks. Still fun though.
We also decided to get genetic screening since I was adopted and have no family history, even with my birth mom in my life since she was in foster care all her life. My husbands side the males have issues with their hearts with his dad having a triple bypass and had a quadruple bypass just a few year ago. Hubby's heart is good but then again he is a zen master so he doesn't stress much and with me eating better with the pregnancy it has him eating better. Still undecided about breastfeeding but I have 7 more months to decide. OH and apparently my back pain Ive been having that actually shoots down m leg making it hard to walk is actually sciatica so the midwife gave me some tips to try and help ease the pain but for now told me to try and take it easy at work.

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