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Joined Jul. 21, 2015 8:18pm

BabiZehm's Pregnancy

My Due Date: March 30, 2016
I have given birth!
Age: 33 years old

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My Journal

October 1st 14 weeks 1 day
By BabiZehm » Posted Oct. 1, 2015 11:08am - 200 views - 2 comments

Finally the 2nd trimester. My pregnant body has now decided that any kind of meat, chicken, steak, hamburger (haven't tried fish yet) is disgusting. I tried to eat some chicken at my sisters wedding and it looked awful to me. which was sad cause my uncle makes great food. I then tried to eat a little chicken for hubs birthday dinner at my in laws and all I had to do was smell it and it put me off so I only had two biscuits. So I'm on what I call a rabbit food binge where all I want is fruit and veggies. Although I can eat some carbs like toast and bagels and cream chesses, and spaghetti. But other then that I cant eat much protein. I now have started to get headaches everyday. I hate taking medicine even though the dr approved me for Tylenol. But if I don't it gets worse....I dink so much water throughout the day I know I'm not dehydrated.....
Hubby makes me so happy. yesterday he ordered me a pregnancy pillow since I have a hard time sleeping cause of my back and hips hurting if I shift in my sleep. He is really hoping for a daughter.
We have also decided on our names finally.
Payton Alexander for a boy and Hazel-Grace Michelle for a girl. (I love fault in our stars, and I wanted grace after my friend who passed away as a child)

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from MalPal85 » Posted Oct. 1, 2015 2:20pm
I couldn't eat a grilled chicken breast for months! I still haven't tried yet but it actually is starting to sound good again. Sorry about the headaches. Hopefully they don't stick around too long. Congrats on picking the names!

Comment from ericalee » Posted Oct. 1, 2015 11:31am
I got hit with massive aversions to a lot of food at 20 weeks with my daughter. I lived off of plain greek yogurt with fruit or salads for a solid month. It was both humorous and annoying at the same time. :)

Have you tried taking a magnesium supplement at all for the headaches? I got TERRIBLE headaches during my last pregnancy and I think magnesium was finally what helped me. I was trying to look back at my old JEs, but they got deleted when I put in my new pregnancy.

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