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Joined Dec. 18, 2011 10:13am

babbosbabymama's Pregnancy

My Due Date: August 23, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old

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My Journal

By babbosbabymama » Posted Jan. 21, 2012 10:00am - 599 views - 4 comments

Today I am feeling really pregnant lol.... My pants wont button without my being uncomfortable, I got NO sleep last night (ok, well maybe 2 and a half hours) and I had to be at work at 8am and Im fighting to keep my eyes open, I have heartburn and I am hungry and thirsty but cant bring myself to injest anything and im not even nauseous today. Its snowing outside and all I want to do today is crawl into bed with a nice hot cup of coco and watch a corny romantic comedy with DH and snuggle. 3 o'clock couldnt come fast enough!! Im also craving some california rolls from the sushi place but I dont know if I should because i know they are made around raw sushi and I could maybe get sick from it? I dont know... We are going to a japanese restaurant for my sister's birthday in february and honestly, i dont think the raw stuff will go down anyway even if i wanted to eat it but the cooked things are making me weary. maybe im just overreacting. Bored at work and thinking way too much.

I dont know if im imagining it or not but today I pushed on my bloated tummy a little bit and it felt a little higher up than it did yesterday but maybe it was just gas bc I think its too early for that... I dont know. I hope I dont show for a while. This issue with my pants will now be resolved thanks to the ladies who answered my question about making my current pants into maternity pants. I just ordered a BE band from Target. My first step!! :) In another week or 2 I will order another one. For now its only about 3 pairs of pants im having the issue with but they are my favorites so I want to wear them. I also am going to need to find a few blazers for work. I dont want to spend a ton of money on them. They are expensive enough for non-maternity. I dont want to spend more than $30 on something I will only wear for a few months. Im sure I will figure something out. For now I got a few sweaters that are looser fitting and cover up because I have been feeling very bloated and I know its crazy but I think im showing a little bit... My body definately isnt the same and I dont know if I gained weight or what. Its all condensed in my lower abdomen and my boobs!!! And nobody knows im pregnant so I dont want people thinking im just getting fat again.

I cant wait to see how this whole thing is going to work out with my mother and work. Those are the main things on my mind lately. in a few weeks time I will have a few more answers and I will be a lot less anxious and I will be able to enjoy my pregnancy like Im supposed to be doing. I just hate the unknwn. Im typically the kind of person who likes to just get it over with, pull the band aide off fast instead of slow but the history of miscarriages is causing this to be the way it is bc I CANT tell anyone until im sure and cumfortable with the fact that my chances of miscarriage are down to nothing practically. Soon enough... the weeks seem to go by faster and faster and before i know it I will be wishing the time would go slower bc i will be nervous about giving birth. I cant wit to meet my little one!!!! DH cant either... yesterday before he left for work he said "I cant wait till the baby comes out... our family will be complete" It just warms my heart :) <3

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from babbosbabymama » Posted Jan. 24, 2012 12:59pm
lol good idea!!! I will try it when I get home from work...And thanks for telling me about the scanning of the US pics. I had no Idea that they could get damaged that way. I will figure out how to do it soon enough lol. Maybe DH will help me if he's ever home from work long enough....Thanks :)

Comment from Mamaof2soon3 » Posted Jan. 22, 2012 2:53pm
take a pic with your web cam and push upload. thats what i do..you dont want to scan your ultrasound pics..they are heat sensitive and will get ruined. my first couple of belly pics were with web cam as-well..lol i used a pencil to press the button so that i could get a good shot..:)

Comment from babbosbabymama » Posted Jan. 22, 2012 9:49am
I dont have a cord that can connect my camera to my computer :( but I do plan on getting one soon. I have a webcam but its connected to my laptop and its a pain in the butt to try to aim it and stand in the right spot lol.

I also am a little confused on how to post ultrasound photos.. how do you upload them onto your computer if you dont have a scanner?

Comment from Mamaof2soon3 » Posted Jan. 21, 2012 5:17pm
When do you plan on posting belly bump pictures?

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