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Aprilgirl's Pregnancy

My Due Date: July 7, 2016
I am postpartum » My due date was more than 2 weeks ago

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My Journal

Wow. Just... Wow.
By Aprilgirl » Posted Nov. 8, 2015 1:17am - 286 views - 1 comment

So entirely unexpectedly, here I am. Once again, I'm pregnant.
We weren't planning any more. I wanted one more, hubby was happy with the 2 that we have and didn't want anymore.
I was exceptionally unhappy about it, but starting to accept that it was just the way it was.

Fast forward a few months and after one particular 'woops!' night (WHICH might I add, was at least a WEEK before I was due to ovulate!) and after waiting for AF to show for 4 days, I finally got a hunch and did a test in the evening after getting home from work.

Positive. Straight away. Absolutely no doubting that.

With the encouragement of a couple of friends that I'd confided in mostly out of need for support, I used a digital test. Pregnant. 3+ weeks. Which meant I was at least 5 weeks pregnant. Well then.

So after a bit of panicking we're settled in to the idea of adding another thundering set of feet to our house. I'm nervous, I'm not going to lie. Exhaustion. I'm older this time, and it will take more to bounce back.
I'm feeling it a lot more and a lot earlier this time, and I can't say I'm enjoying the afternoon sickness! It started the day after I did the first test. *snort* Thanks, body *chuckle*.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from proudmamaerica » Posted Nov. 8, 2015 10:24pm
congrats! Though I've never had an oops pregnancy I hear those are the children you never knew you needed. ;) It was meant to be.

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