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Joined Nov. 18, 2013 8:12pm

Cattsmeow's Pregnancy

My Due Date: November 24, 2015
I have given birth!
Age: 37 years old

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My Journal

Attack of the Mombie
By Cattsmeow » Posted Nov. 21, 2015 7:41am - 258 views - 1 comment

My 5 year old is getting sick, my 15 month old is a sick, snotty monster again, my milk painfully came in last night, my husband is sleeping soundly, and Valerie is dozing in her swing all like "that's right, Mommy. Stare at me because I'm adorable."

My husband and I were up pretty much all night. Both of my boys are sick, or are working on getting sick. My 15 month old is a snot monster and we were continually having to suction out his nose so he could breathe. We finally got him to sleep, but he was fussing all night. My 5 year old was up until almost 1am because he is all congested and couldn't breathe. I ended up gathering up some extra pillows and propped him up on them to help. I need to find the spare humidifier today so we can put it in his room. My husband yelled at me about 2 and told me to go to bed, so I did. (I was falling asleep on the couch.) I ended up waking up about 45 minutes afterwards in extreme pain. I went from zero to engorged in that time frame. So I tried and fried and tried to get Valerie to latch on to help relieve some of it, but apparently my boobs are too hard for her to get latched properly. I even tried the shield. So I broke out my pump. I am getting enough out of my left breast to help a little bit, but I am getting absolutely nothing out of my right. It hurts so bad. I can't sleep from the pain, holding my daughter hurts. She can smell the milk and will root around, but as soon as I offer her the breast, she just cuddles into it and doesn't even try. I am going to try a warm shower when my husband gets up, as well as wafm compresses, to see if I can get the milk to flow on the right side. I don't know why I can't express anything out on that side. =/

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Starmama14 » Posted Nov. 21, 2015 11:43am
I had that problem after I had my daughter too! The warm shower and compresses helped me! Hope that helps you too! Good luck with everything!

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