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Joined Nov. 18, 2013 8:12pm

Cattsmeow's Pregnancy

My Due Date: November 24, 2015
I have given birth!
Age: 37 years old

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The sickness that keeps on giving...
By Cattsmeow » Posted Nov. 28, 2015 10:21pm - 327 views - 4 comments

'Tis the season for being sick. And apparently the cold that sent us running to the ER with Brandt last weekend has set it's sights on me and Valerie. We are both congested, sneezing, coughing messes right now. Poor baby is sneezing horribly, and puking through her nose. My husband has been sleeping out on the couch with her because she sleeps better propped up in her swing, and he says I need my sleep to kick the cold. I went from a little tickle in my throat yesterday to coughing up my lungs overnight. I've lost my voice. I caved and looked up cold medicines I can take while breastfeeding and picked some up. It seems to be helping somewhat, as long as I keep up on the meds. I feel like complete crap, and it seems Valerie does, too. Thankfully she is keeping down breastmilk alright and is only spitting/throwing up formula. That's not really much of an accomplishment since she is mostly getting formula right now. But she is keeping enough down that her doctor isn't too concerned. She's mainly worried about a fever and told us if she spikes one to take her to the ER immediately. So we've been very vigilant in keeping tabs on her. =/

Pumping is not going so well. Being sick has taken a toll on my supply, as did 2 days of family dinners for Thanksgiving with no time to pump. I have been power pumping today in hopes of getting my supply back up. I have also been chugging water like no one's business, and my husband has been making me eat a little something every 2 to 3 hours, whether I am hungry or not. Today I have only pumped a little under 4oz all day, which is definitely not enough to meet her needs. I've been slacking on taking my Fenugreek due to being sick. I can't swallow the capsules due to my sore throat. It sucks. But I have some Mother's Milk Tea on order, and a friend is bringing me another batch of lactation cookies tomorrow. (My friend is amazing. This is the second batch she has made for me out of the blue and they are so yummy!) I am hoping to keep my supply in until after Valerie's surgery on the 10th, in the hopes that after her lip tie is corrected, we can get her on the breast, which I know will help. If not, I will keep pumping until I dry up. I feel pretty defeated that I have not been able to successfully breastfeed any of my 3 children, even though I know that as long as the baby is being fed, it doesn't matter how. But still. I keep telling myself that I will not beat myself up over it, but here I am.

Anyways, to put some positive in my post. We put our Christmas tree up last night. Tyler, my oldest, LOVES Christmas trees and he is so happy we put ours up. He keeps staring at it. Lol. We've already had to pull Brandt out of it a bazillion times. Now we're just trying to find somewhere to take the kids to see Santa. The mall here is way to overpriced for us. Plus, I do not want to even think of going to the mall with my anxiety. We avoid places like that until after the New Year. It's not worth the anxiety attack.

But I am off to get some rest. I hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving!

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Cattsmeow » Posted Nov. 30, 2015 10:06am
pbc, I hear ya. I am beginning to hate my pump again. It's gotten to the point where I feel like a slave to the pump for a little bit of nothing. My husband is trying to be encouraging, and I appreciate his effort, but it is so frustrating to me to spend 20 minutes hooked to the pump every 2-3 hours only to hardly get anything at all. Most times it's all I can do to not cry afterwards.

Comment from pbc910 » Posted Nov. 29, 2015 10:58pm
I hope you two get better! Pumping is stupid! Ugh, I am only getting 10-20 ml each time and it's really making me want to give up. I'm so glad my insurance covered the breast pump because it's retail was like $400 and if I would have paid that I'd be so made with the results!!!!

Comment from Cattsmeow » Posted Nov. 29, 2015 8:20pm
Thanks, Summer. It really does suck, especially with the babies being sick. My youngest son still isn't feeling well and isn't sleeping very well at night. =/

Comment from Summer0120 » Posted Nov. 29, 2015 1:16pm
Ugh! Being sick sucks so bad. Especially when you have sick babies as well. Hope everyone gets well soon!!

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