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Joined Jan. 11, 2016 3:35am

mrs-daisy's Pregnancy

My Due Date: September 20, 2016
I have given birth!
Age: 34 years old

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My Journal

Where did that come from?!
By mrs-daisy » Posted Jan. 15, 2016 7:44pm - 310 views - 1 comment

So last night something scary happened.
I felt a bit sick in the stomach from late afternoon like i was blocked up or something which was also causing me lower back pain on my right side. Then right before dinner i got really nausea's from it and then i had cramps that felt like period pain. normally when i get a cramp it settles after a minute but this wasn't going away. I ended up just having to sit on the toilet with my back resting against the lid (ew!) cause it was too painful to sit up straight. and i peed and pooed and peed and pooed and did i mention peeing? peeing!
I had frequent urination all day but never felt quite empty. Anyways after this ordeal i felt weak, i mean couldn't walk or stand kind of weak. Also a bit delirious.
So i went to bed and slept it off. feeling normal again today. I don't know what or why that whole thing happend but it was scary. i thought i was going to miscarry. but lucky all is fine.
By the way i don't think anything is too much TMI when your pregnant cause maybe someone else is reading this that has similar symptoms.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Sparkles23 » Posted Jan. 15, 2016 8:25pm
Wow no fun, sounds like food poisoning to me, I am happy you are better today. I would have freaked too, and don't worry TMI never a problem lol.

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