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babbosbabymama's Pregnancy

My Due Date: August 23, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old

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My Journal

Heartbeat :)
By babbosbabymama » Posted Feb. 2, 2012 10:15am - 377 views - 1 comment

Yesterday we went for my 10 week 6 day check-up. DH was in a BAD mood bc he had worked 14 hours the day before and yesterday 8 hours before the appointment and had to rush back to work right after until 12am so he was pretty drained.. actually falling asleep in the waiting room (I was a little humiliated lol)... but hubby was tired :( he works hard for us :)

We went into the exam room. I was origionally supposed to have a ultrasound but the doctor (that we dont like and now its confirmed why we dont like him) scheduled me in for a week too early. I guess they had to measure the baby's neck and stuff and that can't be done sooner than 12 weeks. They pricked my finger which is still throbbing from the pain. It wouldnt stop bleeeding!!! I have a huge bruise on the tip of my middle finger and it sucks but it will be worth it :) AND we did get to hear the baby's heart beat :) :) YAY!!!

At first she couldnt get it with the doppler bc my pulse was being picked up louder than the baby and DH and I were getting worried but she brought us into a different room with an abdominal ultrasound machine and we were able to hear it there. It was super exciting :) DH quickly woke up and was smiling from ear to ear. It was so exciting. This is the first baby we have heard :) Also, the doctor said it sounded fine and to come back in a week for some blood tests and in a month for a sonogram. i cant wait to see our little one then! Its going to be soooooo exciting.

The thing that worries me though is going a whole 4 weeks without seeing a doctor. Im probably just nervous bc of the my past with miscarriage and im sure all will be alright since I have never made it this far along but the worry is still there. I just keep reminding myself "one day at a time". Im feeling good bc im almost into my second trimester where I can pretty much rest easy but I guess as with every pregnancy there is always worry.

But soo reassuring to HEAR the heartbeat :) :) and so exciting :) :) YAY!! :)

Oh and gonna have to make myself have time to take some baby bump pics before i start poking out... I want to record everything, specially since I really think this is it.. this will be the pregnancy that results in our beautiful little baby :)

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Coomy08 » Posted Feb. 2, 2012 11:26am
Ya so awesome that you got to hear the heartbeat! I know 4 weeks seems a long time away but it'll go by faster than you think.

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