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Joined Dec. 17, 2013 5:19am

stephc2010's Pregnancy

My Due Date: May 9, 2016
I have given birth!
Age: 32 years old
Location: Maryland, United States

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Loving this snowy weekend!
By stephc2010 » Posted Jan. 23, 2016 8:10am - 230 views - 1 comment

I live in between Baltimore and Washington DC (closer to Baltimore), and I'm loving this snowstorm! I'm making a pot roast in my crockpot that I put it in really early this morning and we'll have that for a late lunch(assuming it's done cooking) and dinner later tonight. :) I'm not sure how much snow we've got exactly, but it's been snowing since yesterday afternoon around 3pm or so and hasn't stopped! If I can, I'll add a picture to this journal entry later. I grew up in New Mexico, and we did actually get snow, but rarely did we ever have big snowstorms, so I really enjoy this weather!

On a side note, I have my first physical therapy appointment on Wednesday. The woman scheduling the appointment made me feel stupid for doing so... She asked what symptoms I was experiencing, and I basically told her it was mostly pelvic pain. She then asked how I knew it was pelvic pain! I almost replied with "BECAUSE THAT'S WHERE IT HURTS!" but bit my tongue... When I explained everything that was uncomfortable for me (walking, changing positions laying down, getting up when sitting, the pain radiating into my inner thighs making it feel like I had my legs wide open for hours, lifting my legs to put pants on, etc), she then asked if that's what the doctor's told me it was, or if I thought it was caused by back pain! Ugh. My back IS hurting, too... Either way, I'm uncomfortable, and the doctor I saw on Monday (the only midwife working that day was booked), was really pushy about it. Another reason why I love seeing the midwives. I tried telling him I would wait another 4 weeks and then determine if physical therapy was necessary, but he kept insisting and I'm not always the best at standing up for myself... So we'll see how it goes. Hopefully they have different stretches or something I can do to help with the pain.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend! And to those of you dealing with the snow, stay safe!! :)

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Randall0123 » Posted Jan. 23, 2016 10:59am
I'm over it!! I live near DC too and we have over a foot and I've spent all day yesterday and today shoveling. Enjoy your roaat

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