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stephc2010's Pregnancy

My Due Date: May 9, 2016
I have given birth!
Age: 31 years old
Location: Maryland, United States

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To reschedule or not...
By stephc2010 » Posted Feb. 14, 2016 7:10am - 386 views - 2 comments

I hate having to worry about the weather. I hate having to stay at my in-laws. I hate the stupid glucose test... Ugh. Insomnia has been pretty bad lately, I've only been able to get a few hours of sleep each night (like 4 or 5)... And clearly it's making me grumpy...

I'm trying to decide if I should just reschedule my appointments scheduled for Monday due to the fact that they're calling for snow tomorrow morning/afternoon then switching over to freezing rain tomorrow evening. Or just keep my appointments and stay at my in laws tonight (and possibly tomorrow, depending on how "true" the forecast will actually be). We'll already be at my in laws today because of a birthday party, otherwise I'd definitely just reschedule... Two things I really worry about... Would my midwife's office charge me for rescheduling an appointment on such short notice (even though it'd be due to weather!) Is that the same as cancelling an appointment without giving 24 hour notice?? and 2, my glucose test order form for the lab had Monday listed as the last day to get it done, so they'd have to resend that back over to the lab or something, right? More things to stress about, yay! =/

Times like these, I really hate that my hospital is an hour away! I guess I'll just play it by ear, and decide before we leave for the birthday party this afternoon... Btw, I get the Valentine's day isn't a big deal to my in laws, but I personally would've liked to enjoy some alone time with my husband this evening after his hockey game! Instead, I'm having to (possibly) stay at my in laws overnight for appointments, and maybe even Monday night too... I hate to say that if there wasn't a birthday party today (I mean if it was scheduled for yesterday instead), I wouldn't even have to worry about having to spend the night... My hormones are all over the place today!

I think it's time for a nap... Or coffee... I hate feeling like this :(

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from stephc2010 » Posted Feb. 14, 2016 5:46pm
Thank you! I'm just so grumpy and tired lol. I've decided that I'm just going to reschedule my appointment, I'll call first thing in the morning. I'd rather be safe than sorry! I just never know whether I can actually trust these forecasts or not!

Comment from dakotagurrl » Posted Feb. 14, 2016 11:44am
Awww u sound like ur having a rough day. Personally, I would bite the bullet and cancel if the weather gets too bad. It's just not worth the risk. Driving in snow etc doesn't bother me much, it's the other drivers I worry about, so I tend to not go out in crap weather if I can avoid it. All it takes is someone else's error to ruin ur life. Be safe, in whichever decision u choose! =))

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