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Joined Jun. 12, 2016 8:26am

MrsFord's Pregnancy

My Due Date: November 4, 2017
I have given birth!
Age: 41 years old

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29w4d - Now 30w1d
By MrsFord » Posted Aug. 23, 2017 1:53pm - 360 views - 0 comments

Well, I had my apt yesterday and the clinic officially changed my due date from Nov. 4 to Oct 31. I see one of six doctors at the maternity clinic each time I go - kinda sucks BUT one of the six of them will be on call when I go into labour so I would rather meet them all before hand. They said they wouldn't normally switch it measuring 4 days off, but my fundal height i'm measuring 32.5 weeks - so almost 3 weeks and all of the doctors agree (think) I will go into labour early due the size??? Pretty sure baby will come when he/she is ready - oh well. The wanted the due date moved up so that my NST tests and GBS test happens in line with how baby is measuring. I'm still convinced baby is boy - although, the few dreams I've had about the baby it's been a girl. We only have boy names picked out and have been trying to figure out some girl names we agree on - which is a nightmare of a convo each time LOL. I think my last day of work will be Oct 6 (last friday before Canadian thanksgiving which is on the 9th) then I will take my remaining holidays from the 10th to the 13th) and mat leave will officially begin. I have started training my replacement - so only 6.5 weeks to go! My baby shower is scheduled for Sept 23 and my maternity photos are coming up on Sept 8. The last couple days the baby and I have been "fighting"... it really loves to stick it's feet (?) up in my ribs and lungs and keeps me pretty winded most of the time. I can push it down for a moment but now it pushes back! hahaha - definitely getting stronger. I found my first stretch mark last night - although it's in my scar so i'm blaming that. Overall I am LOVING being pregnant - I will take all the sickness, stretch marks and baby kicks I can take - after trying for so long I am so happy to be here :)

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