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Joined Jun. 12, 2016 8:26am

MrsFord's Pregnancy

My Due Date: November 4, 2017
I have given birth!
Age: 41 years old

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My Journal

36w1d - unplanned eviction day!
By MrsFord » Posted Oct. 4, 2017 4:12pm - 410 views - 2 comments

Starting on Monday afternoon (35w6d) I started having really bad pain right under my ribs and I could feel it in my back. I had an OB appt already booked for Thursday so tried to tough it out until then. It progressively got worse through the evening. I tried a heating pad, ice pack, shower, laying down, Tylenol, you name it- nothing was working. It finally let up enough about midnight so I could get some sleep. When I woke up for work at 630 it was mostly gone, just felt like a dull ache so I Carrie on and went to work. About 11am the pain started to return. I stayed at work because I didn’t really want to drive so I payed onq couch in one of the managers offices (which was super awkward) and hoped it would die down a bit to drive home. Finally at 4 I couldn’t take it and left. I only work about 25 Mom away from home so though I’d be okay. Once I got it the car the pain started getting really bad away and took my breathe away. I called the mat ward and they said to come straight in. When I arrived they did an NST on baby (who was perfectly fine), took my blood pressure (which was borderline high) and took a bunch of blood. Well... blood results showed preeclampsia and early onset of HELLP... my blood pressure stabilized a couple hours later so they let me go home for the night and asked me to come in this morning for more bloodwork and monitoring. So this morning, another NST test- baby is great, me, not so much. While my blood pressure was good (likely due to the mess they gave me last night), my platelets fell again. My liver levels stayed the same (still elevated) and there was still too much protein in my urine. They called in the specialist and he talked to the pediateician and the mat Clinic and it was determined I would be admitted and induced. My hospital won’t deliver before 36 weeks (I’m 36+1) but with the baby measuring so big (90th percentile) and doing so well they tho k induction is best. So here I am... earlier than we planned but so excited to meet our little one! I’ve been induced with cervidal (sp?) and now just waiting. They will repeat my blood work again tonight at 8pm and if anything has changed for the worse they will do a csection tonight!

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from nreiselpn » Posted Oct. 7, 2017 5:36pm
Not so patiently waiting for news.....

Comment from brittthomp4 » Posted Oct. 4, 2017 8:55pm
Good luck! I had hellp syndrome my last pregnancy which wasn't identified until it was a true emergency and we almost didn't make it. I'm so glad they caught yours early and little one will be fine. Good luck and hope you recover soon :)

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