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Joined Jun. 12, 2016 8:26am

MrsFord's Pregnancy

My Due Date: November 4, 2017
I have given birth!
Age: 41 years old

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UPDATE - 36w4d and trying to make 37 weeks
By MrsFord » Posted Oct. 7, 2017 6:27pm - 368 views - 0 comments

Well still no baby and I got to come home yesterday afternoon. My platelets have stabilized and my liver levels are high but steady. I’m on blood pressure meds which seem to be keeping that in check. Baby has been rock steady and done through all of this. I was induced twice (Tuesday and Wednesday). It gave me horrible back labour and lots of contractions but my cervix remained posterior and no dilation. The plan. Ow is to go back to the hospital Sunday morning (tomorrow) for more bloodwork and monitoring. If anything has changed (for the worse) the specialist will do a csection right away. If everything is still steady then I will go back Tuesday when I reach 37 weeks. At that point, if nothing had changed with my body (dilation, cervix position) then it will be a csection but if my body is getting ready to labour they will induce me again to try for a vaginal birth, although I’m already classified as an “induction failure”. It’s so nice to be home. The 2 nights in the hospital were horrible. The first night they had to take the cervidil out at 3am as the back labour was so constant. They gave me some Tylenol and a hot pack and I got a couple hours sleep, but that was it. The next night they gave me a shot of morphine which let me get a bit more sleep but it had worn off by 330am. I have been having some contractions since I’ve been home (not in my back thankfully) and some pretty gross discharge (TMI). So, now we wait for tomorrow for the next step. I’ve been sleeping a lot and have had a pretty bad headache. I have a huge list of symptoms I have to watch for and head straight back to the hospital if any of them come up but so far so good. Ideally my water will break on its own but the doctor isn’t too hopeful. But, next week, we will have our baby!

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