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Joined Jun. 12, 2016 8:26am

MrsFord's Pregnancy

My Due Date: November 4, 2017
I have given birth!
Age: 41 years old

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37 week birth announcement!
By MrsFord » Posted Oct. 11, 2017 9:44pm - 391 views - 2 comments

I can’t really remember what my last entry was- this past week had been a bit of a blur and so much has happened. 36w5d I went for bloodwork in the morning and the plan was to induce at 37 weeks, well I ended up back in the hospital at 1030pm at 36w5d as the pain below my rib cage was back. I was admitted that night. The other specialist came in and saw me the next morning and said no if’s, ands or but’s, the baby needed to be out by the next day at midnight. Our options were to start another induction right then (although my cervix did not look promising). Despite having some contractions, Baby was super high and posterior and thick. He recommended an csection the next day so that’s what we opted for. They let me go home for a couple hours for thanksgiving dinner but I had to be back at the hospital that night at 8pm. We had a csection yesterday (10/10/17) and our BABY BOY was a perfect 7lbs11oz. We are so in love and so happy he is here and healthy. The csection itself went well, but baby was stuck way up high and 2 male OBs were on the table on their knees to get him out (my hubby is slightly traumatized by what he saw). Baby also had a HUGE umbilical cord. The pediateicain couldn’t believe how thick it was. My liver and kidney levels are on their way down and we are recovering in the hospital until likely Friday or Saturday.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from cmere84 » Posted Oct. 12, 2017 6:10am
Oh wow! Congrats on a healthy baby Boy! I figured with as big as you were measuring you were going to have a mini of your hubby!

Comment from nreiselpn » Posted Oct. 11, 2017 11:13pm
Wahoo congrats

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