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Joined Feb. 20, 2012 6:25pm

WearindRed's Pregnancy

My Due Date: October 24, 2012
I am postpartum » My due date was more than 2 weeks ago

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My Journal

The joys of being a ALer.....
By WearindRed » Posted Mar. 8, 2012 11:18am - 237 views - 2 comments

Today I feel good I think I have been drinking too much water and effed up my electrolytes which I fixed by drinking pickle juice yesterday. Which means all my lightheadedness was causes by the imbalance. My nausea is gone, my headache is better, and I am hungry. All of which makes me think there is no more pregnancy. Yep this is one of the joys and screwed up things of being a ALer. Anytime you feel good your mood goes dark. And when you can't leave the house your so sick you are in a state of delight. I can only read the serenity prayer and take it's words to heart. Only 14 days till my U/S and they can't pass fast enough. One other "joy" of being a ALer is everytime you feel something down there you think ok it is finally over you drag yourself to the bathroom and nope it just more cm you feel relieved everything ok but upset your first thought was mc not cm. All I want is a second healthy baby to hold in my arms but this being pregnant after loss is going to drive me to the loony Ben. I want to play with my daughter but I am afraid to move around too much right now. I just want my innocents back!

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from WearindRed » Posted Mar. 8, 2012 1:09pm
Thanks Emily. I know how you feel. It wasn't til I was past viability day with my daughter that I could breath easier. And it helped that I could feel her move everyday from then on. I know the fears all too well but I also know I can make it through will a positive out come. Unfortunately I feel my daughter was the fluke (today). I am hoping that sharing how I feel will help others see they are not alone.

Comment from emily-Jer.29-11 » Posted Mar. 8, 2012 12:50pm
So glad to hear that you are feeling better! Try not to let it scare you. I went through that too and every time it was ok. Some of us are just lucky and don't have too much M.S. It is so hard being pregnant after a loss. I'd like to tell you that it will go away the further you get but it still hasn't for me. I'm 27 weeks in and still waiting for the other shoe to drop so to speak. I swear I'm going to go into labor and still not believe that I'm having this baby. It is crazy how much previous losses can do to a woman. Hang in there and just think only 6 more weeks and you are out of the most dangerous part of the pregnancy. Hugs and prayers to you!

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