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Joined Oct. 23, 2011 11:43am

autumn7's Pregnancy

My Due Date: June 18, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 39 years old

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People are so insensitive!
By autumn7 » Posted Apr. 4, 2012 4:22am - 393 views - 4 comments

I wonder why people feel that when you are pregnant, its their chance to 1. Touch your belly and 2. tell you how huge you are! and 3. Ask you how much weight you have gained.
I am so tired of people telling me I am big or huge or will have a big baby..!!! I consider it very rude to ask me about my weight in a grocery store! Do not tell me I'm huge and how long do I still have to go with a look that says you think I might fall over from the weight!
URRRGHHH!!! Ive got enough body issues without people constantly telling me how huge I am! And I have just started loving my bump when people started commenting on how big I am, so now its back to square 1.

Belly touching: NO you CANNOT greet me by touching my belly! Do I greet you that way? And btw MIL, there is a reason I dont tell you when he is moving even though you constantly ask...I DONT WANT YOU TOUCHING MY BELLY!!! You know I hate it when people touch me, and my bump is private. Leave it please! I am oversensitive i Know, but if the Dr doesnt even want to touch my belly too much for the risk of causing bleeding, why should other people feel that they can??

Guess I'm just having a very hormonal day.

My positive thought for the day: I am almost at 28 weeks!! The first milestone my Dr gave me is basicly reached! YEA!!! Now bring on 30 :)

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from autumn7 » Posted Apr. 7, 2012 10:33am
Lol So good to hear I am not alone in feeling this way! Thanks ladies!

Comment from emilykate93 » Posted Apr. 4, 2012 4:25pm
Completely understandable..MIL i dont really touching my bellt(mostly because i dont like her that much) and strangers hell no they arent touching it..if they do i would probably not be very nice to them....I am almost 16 weeks and already going to see my fiance's family sucks because they are like oh you are so big....hate it...I love my itty bitty bump..but its not much right now so when they say I am so big it makes me feel more fat then like its really my bump :(

Comment from Coomy08 » Posted Apr. 4, 2012 10:50am
People suck, with my son everyone thought it was ok to rub my belly without asking now this time, my coworkers (especially the males) keep reminding me how huge and miserable I'm going to be this summer!Oh yes that's just what I want to be reminded of everyday when we already had 80 degree weather in march in INDIANA of all places. Just smack their hands away from the belly that's what I had to resort to with my son. Also you gotta love the boob jokes, I'm a DD now so I get made fun of for how big they're gonna get this time and that I'll prolly fall over if they get much bigger. Best of luck to ya and hopefully people will grow old ofthe annoying comments toward you.

Comment from knicole27 » Posted Apr. 4, 2012 8:30am
I totally understand this. Once you become pregnant apparently that means everyone gets to judge you automatically. I am 17 weeks so for me so far its been about my food choices and cravings and my so far lack of bump and then being able to feel my baby move... ugh.. get a life and stop worrying about mine! it more than annoying. lol.. hang in there!

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