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avereemorgan1119's Pregnancy

My Due Date: November 13, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 35 years old

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My Journal

10w2d: Finally in the double digits PLUS HUGE updates!
By avereemorgan1119 » Posted Apr. 19, 2012 4:18pm - 264 views - 3 comments

This has been a VERY stressful past week. I should open up this segment by saying me and my baby came close to losing our lives on Sunday. We were in a car accident that almost totaled both cars and put me in the hospital for four long days and three agonizing nights. My sister, the driver, was almost into the parking lot in which we were turning when all of a sudden we were t-boned at almost 50 mph. The backand front passenger doors were completely crushed in, and my and my husband were on the passenger side.

And even though it sounds awful, we all made out pretty good... I was luckily the only one who had to be hospitalized, and that was because the impact of the accident caused bleeding around the placenta. We are all so lucky to be alive. And after an extensive bed rest and hospitalization, the baby is measuring about three day ahead, which is very exciting because at least I know he or she is growing like a weed!

While I was in the ER, the did a doppler not expecting to hear anything, but after a couple minutes I heard the fast and faint thumping of my precious little peanut's heartbeat. I wanted to cry, but was in so much shock from everything that I couldn't barely do anything but listen in awe. At 143 bpm, I couldn't have been more thrilled. My husband was ecstatic. We had an appointment today, and everything checked out just perfect, and I really couldn't be happier. And if the old wives tale holds true, looks like we can be expecting a girl! :)

And though I did get an ultrasound of baby in the hospital, it was during my ER visit and the ultrasound tech was old and miserable and wouldn't print out a picture. So I have no new picture of my little miracle :( But I did get to see the little arms and legs.... what a HUGE difference from four weeks ago... wow! When I saw it I couldn't believe it, the baby looked like an actual baby! I am just so excited.

So i have about three more weeks of the first trimester. My morning sickness and nausea hasn't diasppeared YET but hoping for that relief very soon. I am just so thrilled that everything is perfect and I hope that it stays that way.. which it should and will!

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Coomy08 » Posted Apr. 20, 2012 10:43am
Glad you are ok and that baby is doing good. Sucks you didn't get a picture but at least you got to see baby on the screen to ease your fears.

Comment from Marisa0125 » Posted Apr. 19, 2012 9:27pm
Wow I'm glad you and baby are ok! That is so scary!

Comment from knicole27 » Posted Apr. 19, 2012 4:31pm
whoa yikes!!! scary!! I am glad you and baby and everyone was ok!! only a few more weeks till the 2nd trimester though thats the good news and lil one is doing good!! such great news!!! :D

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