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Joined Jan. 17, 2012 9:09am

Coomy08's Pregnancy

My Due Date: September 25, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 34 years old
Location: Indiana, United States

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Stressed out with a capital "S"
By Coomy08 » Posted Apr. 26, 2012 6:48pm - 232 views - 3 comments

So much to do and worry about it's starting to stress me out. My husbands new job is having a slow couple of weeks so he's only working 1 maybe 2 days a week if he's lucky ,which is making me the sole income. I'm trying to study for my exam monday, because if I don't pass with at least a 60% I fail the class per IVY Tech rules. I work full time plus baby sit 2 days a week, take care of my 2 yr old, take care of the house, worry about getting bills paid and having enough gas in my car to get me to work and back, plus add in trying to get stuff ready for the new baby and trying to save money back for maternity leave! I figured my husband would help out more since he's not working but no it still comes down on me to do everything, he's grumpy because he's not working I'm grumpy because I can't do all of this on my own! Really doesn't help being pregnant through all of this because my hormones are making me a crazy bitch that gets upset over stupid stuff like a sock laying on the floor or me having to take out the over flowing trash because I guess it's too hard for my lazy husband to even do that for me. I know things will get better once he starts working more, but is it wrong for me to want help while he's home and has time? I'm in week 18,the next 20ish weeks are going to come fast and I just want to have everything settled and be able to enjoy the rest of my pregnancy since it's going to be my last one.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Mamaof2soon3 » Posted Apr. 27, 2012 12:37pm
When my hubby came back from Afghanistan..he had 3 weeks off. He went from working 24/7 literally..to nothing. It was hard on him. He had to much time to think about the war scene..and was kinda lost in the sauce around home due to not knowing what had all changed with house rules(kids) and routines. So...I asked him if I could make a Hubby to Do list for him. It helped guide him during the days. Because it wasn't that he didn't want to help..he just needed direction..he wasn't use to being home. So..I wrote down things like.. take trash out..and trash pick up days, sweep kitchen floor when kids go to bed. Put laundry away. Things that needed fixin. Mow the lawn. Pick up dog poo (he doesn't like me doing that anyway).I also gave him bathroom duty (yet another thing he doesn't like me cleaning).that gave him a tiny little schedule throughout the week. He felt like he was helping..without me nagging. It didn't help with his boredom..but he didn't feel worthless anymore. :) good luck mama

Comment from Leniana » Posted Apr. 27, 2012 7:44am
Hugs! It can be tough to do everything, just try to relax and take it in stride. Maybe he doesn't realize what needs to be done or what you'd like him to do (I know my husband can be completely oblivious). Why not ask him to do one or two specific things for you when you are getting ready for work "oh, would you mind picking up X and doing y for me today? thank you!" It works for my hubby anyways, at least if he doesn't forget which he does on occasion. But he doesn't feel like he is being nagged or being asked to do anything because he's at home, he's doing it for me which makes the difference. And yeah he will probably do it wrong, but at least partially done is better than not at all LOL.

Comment from MadisonN » Posted Apr. 27, 2012 4:42am
Breathe mama! You have so much on your plate right now, my heart goes out to you. You should kick your husband in the butt and make him help you! He could at least look after the little one and wash some dishes etc. while you study for Monday. Good luck for the exam! be strong mama bear, you can handle all this! Your husband should be picking up some of the slack!

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