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Joined Apr. 17, 2012 4:40am

BergiesGirl's Pregnancy

My Due Date: December 23, 2012
I am postpartum » My due date was more than 2 weeks ago
Age: 45 years old
Location: Dallas, United States

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My Journal

6 weeks Working it Out
By BergiesGirl » Posted Apr. 29, 2012 8:03am - 213 views - 1 comment

This was a really good week for me, only a couple nights with sjort cramping. I had to tell my personal trainer I was pregnant last week, because its so hard to catch my breath things that were easy for me a month and a half ago are a struggle. Shewas super excited, it was really funny brcause she was like Yay another biracial baby. Her husband is AA and they have an incredibly handsome 17 year old. I am going. To keep my once a week PT sessions going as long as possible. She took all my measurements, so we know what we need to shoot for after the baby.

I played a doubles tennis match yesterday for the first time since I have been pregnant. I just came back from not playing for 4 years since injuring my shoulder and the hubby is coming back from 7th grade lol. We had a lot of fun and actually won in a third set tiebreaker. I used to be play primarily singles, but I don't think I will pick that back up until post pregnancy. First doctors appt. This Friday, hope she gives me the all clear on my workouts.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from turkishdelight1 » Posted May. 1, 2012 6:52am
hat off to you with all your keep fit stuff! it's going to stand you in good stead with this pregnancy. i'm doing a spot of walking (fast walking) up and down by the coast where i live but that's as far as i go. oh, and the odd yoga attempts at home but have felt like doing less and less of that lately.

happy 6 weeks and all the best for friday's appointment.

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